Forge Hub hosts a forging world cup. By this i mean... amount of countries, and they have to make a map in the time given, e.g 2 weeks. Teams of 8 for example. The countries included: UK, America, Germany, Canada, Australia, new Zealand, Japan etc. (sorry if i didn't name your country) They all Battle it out to see which country comes out on top. etc. In the end each countries map will be posted next to their flag in the voting thread.
Can I make up my own country, because there isn't a chance of me even winning my state competition? Why can't Blaze live in Idaho or something... Anyway, my new country would have kangaroos and Koalas, maybe be it's own continent. Now that's one cool country. Let me know.
mm i was hoping to have a country not a state, so sorry at the moment it stands at no but i will have to see what others think first. I knows there many many Americans on this site but maybe you could have a forgeoff, like a trial. The winners of that represent there country.
who here is japanese and i think us will when becuase we have tex tdf silence and most big forgers i think it would be smart to split us in to two different divsions I.E. North & South or East & West
yes there are many great forgers in america but this was one of the things going through my head. Here in the uk the team would stand like this: Shock theta Matty DRiSCOLL TDHarding Pegasi Delta Roche178 etc. theres many other great British forgers. Like i said to shock you have quantity but in the end its the quality that counts hope that helped and thanks for your comment.
Us Team Blaze is God The Silence Broken True Dark Fusion Insane54 Sargent Sarcasm Tex Shdow Viper Draw the Line Cosmic Rick Kon Artist which is twice
You forgot Bl00D F1R3, he is an awesome forger. I think the idea is great. So would it be like a tournament? If so there would need to be judges. Also, how would you choose the teams? Just some questions that I think should be brought up.
Uhmm this sounds really good and would be a great challenge for everyone. The only thing is is how 8 people could forge a map.We would need to set up a whole organized thing to judge and such. But then for the winning country, shouldn't we like give some sort of prize to everyone in that country that say has a featured map or something like that? I love the idea just hopefully we can build it better and bigger.
Hi there. And anyways, why should we split ourselves up by country? I mean, I already win in my country. Why not just separate forgers into different groups?
You know how difficult it'd be to get all of those people. And you forgot one certain revolutionary forger in Furious D. A lot of those guys you just listed aren't even all that active. A forgeoff does sound like a pretty neat idea but what about the Premiums vs Non Premiums? What's that?