I know most of the people here love to use their creativity to create awesome maps. Well Far Cry 2 is going to have a full fledged map editor that looks pretty freaking sick. They say it will put Halo 3's forge to shame. They just released this new video about it showing off all it is capable of. Check it out and tell me what you think. Who is going to start making Far Cry 2 maps? Who thinks this will be better than forge? DISCUSS. Gametrailers.com - Far Cry 2: Crazy map Editor by ericejk
i know, i am buying farcry just for the editor, seeing how your respected, i assume you somehow made or are involved with farcry, either way, i love the trailer, sep 22, can't wait.
I don't think people here like talking about Far Cry 2 vs. Forge, but I haven't been here in awhile (I bet you can you guess why, lol). However, I will discuss the matter. Anyways, yes, the Far Cry 2 map editor by itself is better then Forge, however Halo has way more game modes then Far Cry 2 and possible better multiplayer, but we'll have to wait and see on that one. Also they're different shooters. Halo is a regular pick-a-gun and Far Cry 2 is picking player classes (like CoD4).
Uhm no wtf? By him talking about FarCry hes automatically that? Dude look at his sig hes from HaloUnion, one of our affiliates. Anyway the editor looks wayyy better then forge (Sorry forge <3).From the video it feels like your actually the game designer not an ingame, ingame designer like forge. I mean almost every,if every, feature is available for you to use and how you like it. This is seriously gunna pwn.
Can somebody help me pick up my jaw? It fell below the foundation of my home. That was the most elaborate, most realistic game I've seen. This is the future.
well, im very sure that farcry "forge" is much much more sophisticated, however the gameplay no where near rivals that of halo, so as a creation tool, yea, it kicks forge to the curb, gameplay wise, eh, not so much but we'll see how it fairs come release. and yea, i remember you, the movie man. i met you once or twice. ahh, the old days of halo 2. good times, good times...
I am going to make a few maps on Farcry 2, but it won't be better than forge. Forge is a challenge. It is hard to be good at. You have to know the right techniques and tricks to be good at forge, but with Farcry, you push one button and you have a map. Forge will always remain my #1 map editor.
Forge is a challenge, but not in a good. With Far Cry 2's map editor it cuts all the merging, gravity, and other annoyances or "challenges" out and adds far More items and options. It's like an actually mod tool. They say it's easy, but thats only for more buyers. Truly good maps will take hours and will feel more like "your" map rather then a bunch of boxes you placed in a warehouse. Just look at the links below and you'll see you can make professional looking maps with hard work. Article Video
Dude, that looks so sick. Will you be able to interlcok though? lol. I'm defintly getting that and fifa 09. You should watch this one too http://www.gametrailers.com/player/usermovies/265484.html The eiffel tower at the end is amazing. I hope someone will make a London one with like the london eye and big ben. that would be soo sick.
IMO the Far Cry 2 Map editor has surpassed Halo 3 forge. Halo 3 forge was made to be simplistic, giving players the ability to change up any on-disc map or DLC with a few simple changes such as the weapon layout and or scenery with ease. The forge techniques we found really added to the creativity of forging maps. But compared to Far Cry 2s Map editor which IMO is more sophisticated , we can do so much more than we could do in forge. Such as change the time of day and change the terrain to our liking ( steep / small mountains, rivers, trees ). + a canvas bigger than foundry ( judging from the video ) and destructible environment ( mainly trees and grass lol. But it really adds to the realism ). Just imagine the possibilities. It really makes your map "your" map like Verno said. I would still use forge but not as much as Far Cry 2s Map editor. Thats my opinion
By definition, any actual "map editor" is inherently better than our revered Forge. That is because, unfortunately, Forge isn't really map editor. It's a mode that allows you to float around ingame and move stuff around. True map editors, such as Far Cry 2's, work from outside the game. No more spending 3 hours trying to get that stupid wall straight, you put it on there exactly how you want it. The quality of player created maps in Far Cry will be a DRASTIC improvement over our Forge. My prediction, therefore, is that stand-out maps to rival our old classics like Interrobang and newer hits like the tournament maps will not simply be well-made or well-built maps. That much will be a given. The maps that circulate and go around will be those based around unique concepts, gameplay, or ideas. And in the end, isn't that all what we really Forge for?
FarCry 2 - Forge Hub Halo Forums Were way ahead of you, but the fact is that they are incomparable I won't stand for arguements about which is better, if this thread develops an arguement it will be locked.
The Farcry 2 editor looks really nice and customizable. When I get FC2 I'll tinker around with the map editior, but other than that I'll just play campaign and test out MP. I've always liked halo and one of the bigger things is I can create my own map for halo. Which that in itself is amazing. Farcry on the other hand I know next to nothing about. It would be foolish for me to buy the game to use the level editor. What worries me is a growing trend of games that are all about customizable content. Little big planet is a prime example. Oh you can make stuff and interact with stuff, etc. Sure, it looks fun, but how long can building stuff in a game be fun? It can't. Games have to be good first for the users to want to create content. What worries me more is that FPS's in general are going down hill. I can beat most FPS's on the hardest setting in a day. Roughly eight hours play time. So, why do we continue to forge? We like halo. Whats better than playing halo? Building a map you can play halo on. Hopefully, Bungie will release sandbox already and make our forging experience way better.
This kind of thread has been created already... You really can't compare Farcry's map editor to Halo's forge. Farcry's map editor is exactly what it sounds. "a map editor." You really build your own map in farcry whereas in Halo, you only move "Objects" around in a map. So in reality Facry's "map editor" isn't < or > than Halo's "forge." They are incomparable...Not sure if thats a word, Google time! Dude, not true. I had more fun playing farcry than playing Halo. Halo is the same everytime. With the Facrcry's map editor, you woill probably never play the same map twice and probably never play the maps that comes with the game. Also, In Halo you do not "pick-a-gun." You start out with them as well as in farcry. And where did you get the idea that farcry is a class selecter?
its on one of their interviews and one of there videos the game will be classed based weaponry allowing you to upgrade your stuff like in cod4 grant it im not complaining about that i actually like that alot and well as for the editor i fell in love with it ever since the first farcry
My apple is better than your orange. My apple tastes of apple, but your orange just tastes of orange I like the taste of apples, therefore my apple is better? NO. That is not necessarily a good thing. Stop comparing the games or this thread will be locked.