Gas Leakz and Sporadic Ok, here's your friendly neighborhood R0FLC0PT0Rz giving you my first map pack Evar! Both maps are small FFA styled. Each has a certain flare that sets it apart. I also believe Gas Leaks is the First Map EVAR to introduce the amazing effect of Invisible Grav Lifts to the Forging Community. So without further ado let's get this party started ^.^! First we have Gas Leaks, a Covenent Base which has been deserted due to broken gas pipes. Now some gas is visible, but some isn't!!! Now the Grav Lifts are fun and all but they're also useful. Gasp, the fabled invisible lifts More madness? OK, on to the next map Sporadic, which is a straight forward arena styled map with curved lifts, catwalks, and crazy stuffz. The inside of the curved lift has a small ledge for ninjas! A Staircase room with Fuel Rod[no extra ammo] Big Curvy Lift A-B Valley, and Snipe Box B Building [looks kinda like it] has mauler second floor, shotty first So yep, those are the maps and the price is 1 billion Microsoft Pts [pinky to lip], naw they're free Links Gas : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details Sporadic--- : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details I'll be pleased to answer any questions about the maps.
Gaz leak is awsome looking. Perfect idea, and good geo ind interlocking. 5/5 on this map pack. But you should have added a third map. Good j0b! 5/5 annd download again...
wow I dont know which one is better. I think I like the first one better, because of it secret elevators. Both of the maps have great interlocking and geomerging. I love The elevators on both of the maps 5/5!
Yea I knew someone would say that about having a third map, thing is im completely lazy, and yes i have another FFA map i could add to this thread later so keep your eyes peeled...
Now I give you major credit to getting certain grav lifts and cannons perfect so as to be unseen! The first one has a good idea and looks like good fun-with-your-friends fun, but not competitive at all. It is also a bit sloppy. For that one I would suggest that you merge a good part of the double boxes for a cleaner/nicer look to your map. The second one has great presentation and just looks great! It has a better idea than the last and is smoother. The little things like the a and b signs make it your own and make it just a little more fun to explore. The one major thing to fix for a v2 or something in that map would be the spawn and capture points. It looks sloppy and needs fixing if it is a major part of your maps gameplay. Very nice maps, nice post. -Irish
i really like the geomerged gravlift and everything on both of the maps. They both look extremely fun i tried geomerging a gravlift once but i faild miserably so props to you because of that
they both look nice u should mix da two and make it bigger and less crowded... also if u r going to do tele writing consider trying to put it on a flatter less detailed surface it kinda is drawing away attention... the map is nice tho nice job w/ layout and such...
Hey Rofl, Your title only needs to be the title of your map, anything after that is against ForgeHub standard. In this case you could call it simply the FFA Map Pack, or if you want to think of a clever name that is fine also. We like to keep it clean and tidy here, unlike the Bungie forums. To fix this you only need to click on edit and click on "go advanced". From there you can edit your title and save. Once again, good work on your (apparent) first posted map.
I think these maps are cool. They're original, creative, and look like they support good gameplay for a free for all, though It seems a little tight spaced and hard to move around.
wow nice idea random ass gravs lol nevar put a shotty next to a mauler like that needs moar aethetics
I really like your use of grav lifts on both maps, especially Gas Leakz. The aesthetics at the fuel rod cannon are awesome. Great us of stairs. I also like the crossed signs to form + like structures.