Map Teaser Thread (this was jessica jones' idea, so props to jessica This thread is show off your upcoming maps that you wish to share with the community. This is not a spam thread. This thread is designed to not crowd up the forge discussion with map previews, rather this is to help organize them. You may give suggestions on other people's maps but try not to be offensive. Post a picture of your map and tell us a little about it. Happy forging! Example: Hey guys this is map new map it took a while to build. It's codename is Project Money. Hope you guys like it!! (somebody give me a different pis so I am not forced to put my map on it) Be Sure to give feedback on the maps!!, Do not just say, looks nice.
this needs to be stickied. and your post needs more interlox. Xiathis A competitive avalanche map like no other
That map is impossible. You can't do that. lolz, that map is awsome, I am downlloading when it comes out! This is my new map, called (Not Officially) Drop-Off. I know I am changing yeah. Picture is below (Only one pic because thats the only part I am completly finished with). MY PREVIEW : Spoiler: I will be done problably this week. Edit : The plasma pistol is Asseymetrical.
Here is my almost finished map- Infringe. ^Here is the new view of the tunnel. I added the ledges with the fusion coils. ^Here is the new and improved sniper tower. The bubble shield is now on top and the beam rifle is below. ^This is the "A" Base ^Here is the new and improved "B" Base Here is a new aesthetic touch. The geomerging was a pain. ^I have started blocking off the map. It is about 75% done. It will be released on November.
This is a nice but if people wish to post previews of their own map else where that's fine. As this, so far, offeres little to no critisism. When people make a preview thread they more than likely do it to get some helpful tips and advice. So far I've seen none of the kind from this thread.
At least there isn't forty different threads of people making previews. God, those are horrible. This at least narrows things down a bit.
True, but as far as it being "official",comments on peoples previews are encouraged. And not things like "That looks sweet", actual feedback is what's wanted from me.
Thanks looks like a very good map. ^^^ The geomerging and interlocking looks like you took some time on it. It reminds me of ribcage, from its tunnels. The layout also looks very great. The tunnels and open space look like they would create a balanced gameplay. I can not wait until that one comes out. it will have a ton of potential.
I have seen a preview a long time ago, with just the tunnel and a few other things. I can't wait for it, it looks so awsome!
It's a nice idea but then I don't see physical evidence of it improving. It's like the ultimate CnC thread, either post what you have been working on or offer constructive critisism on what others have been making.
I got an idea. What if we make two threads. One for the "submissions" and then one for the "thoughts and comments". And on the submission place, there would be a template for how to post your preview. And on the thoughts and comments spot. There would be a list of all the submissions where people could chose one of those submissions and then give there thoughts about it. It that a good idea?
It's a nice idea but it's too much work for the lazy people. I can see the comments thread being very inactive.