SLAVE 2000 Im in a rush and i don't know how to post maps so i don't have any pictures Download to Halo 3 Copy to My File Share This map is a big spaceship used in my machinima (movie) Three jail cells One armory Two escape pods One hanger at the back of the ship tunnels above and below you Three or four machine gun turrets One spartan laser One active camo Two warthogs : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details If that doesn't work GT: GAW KING
i know your new to FH, but to save you the trouble. You need one embedded pic. What you need to do is: TAke screenshots of your map, then double click on the pic on Now save it to your cpu, after you are done with taht you first need to sign up at and download your pic. Click save and continue and and now copy the IMG, then paste it to your thread and their you go, you have a pic. If you have any questions about it you can IM me. Ps- Welcome to FH!
Welcome to Forge hub, but this isn't up to standards, you at least need one embedded pic, fix it or.... well i don't know. but when you get pics ill check it out. sorry don't have a link to fix it.
come on guys give him a link that should help you with pics if you have any otheer questions feel free to message me
I just want o tell you and make you think about something more clearly. Does it make sense to give someone something they know nothing about and just tell them what it is "sorda like". It would be like a minute commercial with 30 seconds of sound and no picture at all... pointless! Now if you go into the top of this website there is a tab that says forums, and inside that somewhere there is a map posting templet. For later on map posting from yourself... I suggest looking at it. Think first next time. -Irish
i already gave him a link so please nobody say anthing about his pics not working. and irish i gave him the link to fix his pics so . Any post after this is spam and ill report it. ps ill edit this once the pics are up Edit: Heres your download link Iwould have given you your pictures but you didnt have any of your map on your recent screenshots
Flame/spam = Bad Helpful and knowledgeable of the rules = Good See the pattern here? Being helpful AND courteous is the standard all members should adhere to. Staying on topic is also a FH must. It's ok to steer slightly off of the subject to answer certain questions, but once somebody has helped a member by providing info or links then nobody should have to say anything else about it. Consider this a heads up because infractions for this kind of stuff is going to become more frequent.
Wow, this is gonna be harder than I thought. Edit: Just so people know, this isn't a double post :0) The individual who posted before me must have had his post deleted.