just to make sure, there is going to be a separate thread for posting the map entries? im gonna enter my new map protoplasm, i'll just have to set up another gametype. just one question, can there be different scenery on each side? it doesnt affect gameplay at all.
oh yes that is fine. but its not allowed if its "part" of the map but if you can see the object outside the map and it doesnt effect gameplay at all i dont see why not
no it doesnt make a difference if it has soccer balls in it or mancannons just as long as its at least playable and SYMMETRICAL
How many gametypes can go with it Ok, I have a regular gametypes version, then a Jailbreak versions maps differ, so should we put up both or what??
but the jailbreak games types put you up in the skybox Original name was Airbound Cell and it was meant for cops and robbers, but i changed it so if someone posts a map called airbound cell on rats nest, then they [stole] it!! there was 1 dl before i removed it. but you never no... ok but anyway the jailbreak games require a seperate map, like a V2 so then what?
oh ya hes right i left that out and thanks draw the line. since i typing this i might as well say that it is fine to have different scenery on both sides as long as the geometry is the same. ex. stuff behind walls under the map etc.
Don't think I'll be able to make a symmetrical map. Foundry isn't symmetrical though. Can Sandtrap be used. It's sort of symmetrical. Or how anout a map that's never ever used in forge competitions: Snowbound or Isolation?
actually the foundry floor is perfectly symmetrical and no sandtrap doesnt count because it actually isnt symmetrical because the geometry is different on both sides
Ok, my submission will be posted either tinight, or tommmarow morning... It's finnaly done, but i need to test, and write out the whole story thingys, and idk... I still need a name tho... Any ideas??? Rat's nest map... HWEY THIS CONTEST STILL RUNNIN???
Its still running as far as I know. My internet will be back up and running tuesday, so we'll see how things progress from there.
okay yes the competition is still running and dont worry you still have another 19 days left judging that today is october 26th
Can you enter MLG maps? And Draw the Line and Lightsout are right. More enphesis should be put on gameplay than anything else.
to answer your question there isnt anything about no mlg maps since well they are symmetical and most of the times there is good gameplay but yes it may not look like there is many points for gameplay but we will be very strict when it comes to gameplay and a little more relaxed on aesthetics
okay now its really time for all those submissions because the contest is closing tomorrow and marking will begin on the 16th if everyone is free
Dark if I was you, I would post it. It looks like it is ready. I only saw one problem, that was very micro. If you really want to test it. I will be on and I will invite my friends. But in my opinion its ready. It supports a lot of gameplays.