EDIT: PICTURES ARE UP NOW Ram Race Map Pack Beta Created by ER1C0 VIP vs. VIP vs. VIP vs. VIP with the help of each VIP's "Distractor" Story: I haven't made a map in a while. Between my last map and this I've been playing matchmaking a bit. Basically all I did was try to do crazy stunts. So I achieved some pretty cool things. I've done a back-flip in a warthog without the use of gravity lifts, grenades, or man cannons. I've betrayed my own teammates in some pretty epic ways, also. So overall it was fun and all, but then a thought came to me, what if I made a couple maps and a game for this kind of thing? ... so then I answered: ... It would be amazing!!! So that's basically what I've done and I hope you guys/gals enjoy it. Description: This is a map pack for the gametype "Ram Race". If you're the VIP on your two player team, then you try to kill other VIPs. If you aren't the VIP, then you're known as the Distractor and you try and "distract" other VIPs from getting kills. Everybody has 0% damage, however, the VIPs can use ghosts. VIPs try to ram and splatter other VIPs and Distractors use rockets to stop the other VIPs from getting kills. VIPs stay VIPs for the whole game and the Distractors likewise. So grab a couple friends and try it out. Forging 101: [ YES ] __Floating Objects [ YES ] __Instant Respawn [ YES ] __Immovable Objects [ ___ ] __Timed Map Events [ YES ] __Effective Spawn Placement [ ___ ] __Gravity Lift Techniques [ ___ ] __Objects Placed in Water [ ___ ] __Used Symmetry Option [ ___ ] __Interlocking Objects [ YES ] __Objects Merged with Map Geometry [ ___ ] __Unlimited Budget Glitch [FONT="]Rat's Nest AIR -[/FONT] [FONT="]Sandtarp AIR -[/FONT] [FONT="]Avalanche AIR -[/FONT] Action Pics - Download Rat's Nest AIR Download Sandtarp AIR Download Avalanche AIR Download Ram Race (game variant)
i'm sorry but unless you do not have the pictures ready at the time of the post then there is no reason to post the map yet. finish your whole thread then post it instead of posting everything except the pics and saying they'll be here soon
Pics This post is not up to FH standards. Please fix your pictures by checking out how to embed a picture.
It must of been and aciedental post you guys, Im pretty sure Er1co knows how to post a map because I have seen them posted right.
i like the idea and the maps look good. wow you actually managed to geomerge something into those pipes. just one question what is to stop people from shooting each other???
I really like the geo-merging you did in Rat's Nest. It adds a smoothness i didnt think was possible.
the geomerging in rats nest and even avalanche is very well done my friend. and i like the idea of the game types sounds really fun kinda like a ghost version of rocket race but not. (LOL?) And good job with he non dlc map i havent seen many non dlcs in a while
These maps are pretty good. The sandtrap one is a little plain but its all good from that. I rate these maps a 4/5
Casual Maps Post or view maps of a casual nature which includes submissions that usually require the use of the honor rule or are otherwise considered fun in nature. Tremors, Cat N' Mouse, and Infection gametypes would be examples.