people call me goldenkite goldyknight goldylocks(WTF) Sunshine(It actually happens a lot) and golden-k-night
ive had hams-messenger (serously WTF, sounds delicious tho:haha , helm-messenger (i cant even comment on this) , hez-messenger(closer), so all my friends have just given up and call me helz, messenger, or hell
Some people call me Grif or Grif or Grif by accident. I hate it! No one can mess up Grif. No one messed up AJ Spartan 117 No one messed up Tallow 1. No one messed up Grif Must Die, but every SINGLE game I played I would get "Why do you want Grif to die?"
People like to say Osama instead of Ozma.... My old one was Saiga Magoichi. It got butchered into Soggy Makuchi.
Mine, Letalis [Let-alice] gets pronounced Lettuce very often, either by stupidity or just because people suck -.- btw Letalis is a latin word I looked up in the process of making a new GT. I thought I'd do something different, so I chose a common word associated with shooters which would be deadly/killer. I found Letalis. Whether or not this is the correct translation I'm proud of it still :]
Scorplus... Scorpion... Scorpial... Scorpul... Scropulus... When my GT was FreshTy M(Ty-First name; M-Last initial; Fresh-M$ is gay and put it in there without me realizing.): Freshy Freshtee Freshlytee M and someone even went as far as... Fresh Iced Tea... STUPID PEOPLE GO DIE.
My gamertag is playerhata27 (same as username) I would get this Player-hat-a- Mostly from british people lul. Thats it lol.
I get Blumbis, blumbase, or blumbybut from one kid lol. Bloom-bis- The correct prnounciation. Bloumbas.
Mine is pronounced ALL-tee-us, but I had to use a capital "i" for an "L" cus the regular spelling was already taken. Anyway... (Long A sound as in pay)-tius Ah-tius (Short A sound as is bad) Ltius And no one ever gets it. It is part of the olympic motto "Citius, Altius, Fortius" My brothers gamertag was Citius and his friends is Fortius