
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by NeverlessWonder, Oct 13, 2008.

  1. NeverlessWonder

    NeverlessWonder Ancient
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    Inspired By: Exacted and Troika

    This map is an amalgamation of two maps - Exacted and Troika. I tried to make the map layout and gameplay more closely resemble Exacted. So I cut out all the walls, and secret passages of Troika. The result is a more open map, and better competitive gameplay.

    I combined aspects that I liked best from both maps, and even added some completely new aspects to help blend two very different maps together. So the result is something remniscient of two older maps, but completely different from either one.

    On the Troika half, I fixed the ladder so that it is now automatic; no more going up and down endlessly. I added the pillar to the loft, to break up lines of sight and travel, and give the loft a more 'structurally sound' look.
    The fishtank has also received an aesthetic upgrade.

    On the Exacted half, I added the top half section to Open Base. I also added a ramp on the back end of the Curved Platform. There are some fusion coils back here to make hiding back here much less safe.

    Well, that's about it. I'll be creating a blog entry for this map to go into detail with some of the specifics, so I'll just edit that in here later.
    I'd like to thank you in advance for downloading the map, and hope you have fun in Round 8 of the FH 2v2 Tournament. Do enjoy! :D

    Players Supported: 2-6
    Gametypes Supported: All Gametypes, some more than others. Specifically - Slayer, Oddball, Juggernaut, VIP and KotH.
    Multi and One Flag work pretty well, so Assault might do just fine as well. Territories, is untested, and probably wouldn't work well here.

    Weapons & Equipment:
    • Fuel Rod Cannon
    • Sentinel Beam
    • Mauler
    • Carbines x3
    • BR's x3
    • SMG's x4
    • Spikers x2
    • Plasma Rifles x2
    • Plasma pistols x2
    • Regenerator
    • Power Drain
    • Overshield
    • Invisibility
    • Trip mine
    • Fire Grenade
    • Secret Flamethrower











  2. DunkinMyCookies

    DunkinMyCookies Ancient
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    Reminds me of Troika so much. This design is splendid, glad to see a nice, open map since Yukon, nice job. the aesthetics are absolutely incredible, I like the Sentinel spawn. Nice job on this one, and good luck to those in the faceoff up til now!
  3. NeverlessWonder

    NeverlessWonder Ancient
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    lol dummies.... Amalgam is the Round 8 map in the 2v2 Tournament.
    I couldn't post it until they released it on the front page. And now that it's on the front page, I went ahead and posted it.

  4. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    Lolz I a dummie. I r soz gui. EPIC MAP btw. That star thing made by the teles looks like a marijuana leaf. LOLZ.
  5. Devinish

    Devinish Ancient
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    Why does it not surprise me that you would think that...

    Anyways, another great map by Neverless. It's always fun to play, and a great 2v2 map, not just for tournament play. Excellent for small parties.
  6. Ganye

    Ganye Ancient
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    Saw this map way before the Faceoff challenge began.

    Honestly, this map doesn't have much going for it beyond aesthetics, and even those are lacking in places. The gameplay wasn't that great, especially with the extended respawn times on the Faceoff gametypes.
  7. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    I summon Troika!
    I summon Exacted!
    Oh shi-

    Anywho, I luv luv luv the aquarium. When I first saw the map, the first thing that came to me was, "Hey, isn't this Troika?" It doesn't really resemble Exacted as much as Troika.

    JASONYO Ancient
    Senior Member

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    yes i ttly agree... not. even though i kno u had to post it once it was on the from page. if someone didin't kno that it would b like uber feature.

    20 seconds after the epic map was made, Matty saw the potential and amazingness flow from the map and decided to feature it on the spot despite the fact that 2 other maps were featured the same day.

    that would b epic

    edit: oh wait. that really does look like a mary jane leaf
  9. Metallic Snake

    Metallic Snake Ancient
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    well, id say this is officially the quickest map feature ever. definetly. i can see where you get your inspiration from troika, although teh corner structure looks mighty similar as well as the fish bowl. this is definetly much more open but your creativity is still present. the use of double fence boxes here is very nice, and you still have your signature curve. ill download this and get a game of two and see how it plays. good to see another map from you Neverless.
  10. n1n3CAL

    n1n3CAL Ancient
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    I don't know. Though this map is beautiful and smooth and slender in every way, it just seems a little open. But the aesthetics and geomerging and merging and everything is so smooth it does more than make up for it. But what else can we expect from the best of forgehub? 5/5
  11. Resix

    Resix Ancient
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    ok sry bout my little double post comment earlier.

    But here we go my honest review of this map.

    The geomerging and interlocking of this map are f***ing epic to say the least. But one thing cant the person with the flamethrower just rape everyone because in my experience flamthrowers are not the best choice of weapon to put on a map this size. But anyways i really like the aesthetics they are very well done. Great map
  12. Boyle06

    Boyle06 Ancient
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    i think this is my favorite of all of the tourn. maps.... i mean that vid made it look really fun... i love the tele circle y didnt i think of that... and the layout seems great... i cant wait to play this map this deserves 2v2 map... y dont i see ne maps from u lloll this is really good 5/5 nice interlocking nice structures nice aesthetics nice EVERYTHING
  13. NeverlessWonder

    NeverlessWonder Ancient
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    Lies! lol. How did you see this map before the Faceoff challenge began? I wasn't even done forging it then yet, and I wait to test until I'm done forging. So the only person who saw it was me and a few of my trusted friends.
    Hahaha, yeah. I used Troika as my base and I didn't really change much on that side. What I like though is that even though it more closely resembles Troika in looks, I think it resembles Exacted more in gameplay. So I think I did pretty good merging the two maps together.
    The flamethrower is intended to be a somewhat hidden and secret weapon. People playing for the first time most likely won't even know it's there. Even with all the testing I did, and everyone knew the flamethrower was there, I still never saw anyone use it.

    Most likely because it is out of the way and makes you vulnerable while using it, but that's not a bad thing because like I said, it's intended to be a secret/hidden weapon so it's not meant to be used very often. I just put it in there for fun.
    Besides, there's plenty of long range weapons and grenades on this map, so even if someone is dominating with it, it won't be hard for you to kill him wherever he is.
    Thanks. And the reason you don't see many maps from me is because I am busy running GoO, and when I get on xbox sometimes I want a break from Halo and forging. I am working on several new projects though that I hope to have released sometime mid-November this year. If I think they're good enough I might release them here at ForgeHub too. :D

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