Dude, I'm having the same problem. Games I want to get: Gears 2 GH World Tour Far Cry 2 Fallout 3 Banjo Kazooie Nuts and Bolts Cod: WaW I'm probably only going to end up getting Fallout and Gears at first, but after the others launch I'll see if I'll buy them. I've put a lot of thought into it (after all, its a bunch of money, it doesnt grow on trees, and I cant buy all those games...) and that is probably what I'm going to do. Dude, I'm in the beta, and it can't be worse than COD 4. I think it's exactly like COD 4 (actually it kinda is) but with new weapons, new campaign, new maps, new perks, etc. It's really, really cool.
Games I'm getting before Christmas: Dead Space (Release Tomorrow (woot!)) Far Cry 2 Fallout 3- As a note to everyone here, I wouldn't miss this game. It has tons of endings and I'm not just saying about 5 or 6, I'm saying over 100 different epic endings. I expect nothing less from the creators of Oblivion. Christmas: Fable 2 Gears of War It costs $254.40 dollars to buy four of these games... I suggest renting them first so you don't waste your money. (That figure includes tax). So yea, I'm totally getting Dead Space tomorrow. I hope it's as good as they plan it to be. I want it to scare the crap out of me more than Condemned and Condemned 2. The second one was extremely tense. I also forgot about the new Armored Core and Silent Hill. I'm a fan of those so I have to get those later.
I believe dead space is kinda like bioshock but in the future with aliens rather then genetically mutated humans.
No, think of it as Gears meets Doom in space with upgrades available to weapons and your suit. You're sent there to rescue survivors (and your woman) but it turns out that everything has gone to hell and that the creatures attacking you were the people you were supposed to save. Now you need to escape before they kill you and along with it, help any survivors to safety. It's supposed to be creepy as hell and some of the monsters look like **** you see in dreams and from Silent Hill... I'm totally ready...
Great news everyone. I went to gamestop today and made some split second decisions. I went to Preorder CoD:WaW and thought to myself "Might as well reserve FC2 also and get 6 bonus missions." As we were reserving them, the cashier was desperately trying to persuade me to get GoW 2 as well. I told him no thanks, as I'm already spending enough money. We leave the store, get in the car, drive for 30 seconds, and turn around to go preorder GoW2. I also decided to cancel my preorder of GH:WT. I saw videos on this guys youtube ( YouTube - pdtecrj's Channel ) and it just looked very boring and easy. But atleast now I don't have to worry about what games I'm getting.
Hell yes- Far Cry 2 Most likely- Call of Duty World at War Don't care- Mirror's Edge No- End War Maybe- Fallout 3 Just another movie port...- 007 No- Tomb Raider Hell yes- Gears of War 2
I already got Pure (GREAT game) so thats one less game on my list and I'm getting Gears 2 Limited Edition for free (BestBuy RewardZone greatest thing evar!!) Along with that, I may or may not get CoD: WaW (try before buy), Fallout is a no-no (not enough time), may try out Far Cry 2 (Never played FC) but this will be after I get myself a new iPod so for now, I'm perfectly happy with Gears 2 and Pure.
**My Choice in Games ...... Buy on release- Resistance 2 ( enjoyed the first game ) , LBP ( preordered some time ago ) , Left 4 Dead ( looks intense, great multiplayer ) , Motorstorm Pacific Rift ( again, I enjoyed the first ) , Far Cry 2 ( map editor ) Buy after try- Guitar Hero World Tour , Dead Space Buy later- GOW 2 , Fable 2 Xmas- End War ( beta is good ) , and maybe CoD 5 ( i didn't enjoy CoD 4 as much as some other people did )
Pre-ordered: Red Alert 3, Gears of War 2 Likely to buy later: Fable 2 Considering: Left 4 Dead, Far Cry 2, Fallout 3 Will Not Buy: COD: World at War. I have a strong dislike of call of duty games.