well, i've noticed a while ago thatall the sig's that I have made SUCK! I was wondering if anyone outhere is willing to make me a sick slipknot signature, but all i can give in return is +rep. Specifics: Main Color: black or red or both Picture: any slipknot sig you like Style: kinda retro-ish or abstract Writing: Slipknot-Psychosocial if there is anything else you can add that will make it look kool, and of course i will give whoever does this +rep and full credit. if anyone is also willing to show me how to make kool sigs, im open to that too.
^Okay, sorry haxor broke it, here is.... Code : http://i531.photobucket.com/albums/dd358/MLG_Ninja/Slipknot-1.png[/IMG ] Just delete space at in. [/B]
http://i531.photobucket.com/albums/dd358/MLG_Ninja/Slipknot-1-1.png[/I MG] There is code, just try and delete the spaces at the end...