Debate Do athletes make too much money?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by redshadow1337, Oct 10, 2008.


Do athletes make too much money?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. I think it's fair

  1. redshadow1337

    redshadow1337 Ancient
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    One day my friend approached me asking me "Do you think athletes make too much money?" At first I was surprised by his question (becuase normally he only talks about really retarded things like tricking noobs in doom or some **** like that). Then I was perplexed on the fact that he came up with an intelligiant question. After applauding his new found intelligents I began thinking of the actual question at hand.

    I personaly do think that athletes earn a ridiculous amount of money for only entertainment purposes. I think that doctors, teachers, and any other important job should make more becuase they are saving lives and starting us off for the world. But I will not go into the details of jobs that could earn more, because that is not what this debate is about.

    Below is only 1 of many examples of why I think this.

    Hit a ball with a bat. How much is that worth?
    If your name is Gary Sheffield, it's worth a fortune. On April 2, Sheffield, a right fielder with the Florida Marlins, agreed to a $61 million, six-year contract. It's the richest contract in baseball history, paying Sheffield, age 28, more than $10 million per year.

    The website I visited for that information is: Show me the money! Do pro athletes make too much money? - includes related information on sports heroes of the past, Babe Ruth and Wild Chamberlain - Brief Article | Current Events | Find Articles at BNET
    It is an unbias site that I only used for examples.

    There are many other examples on that site please take a look, and I look forward to see other people's opinions on this subject.
    #1 redshadow1337, Oct 10, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2008
  2. Capybara Guy

    Capybara Guy Ancient
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    I think they make too much money.
    when one man can load crates on trucks and need welfare to feed his family (Here's looking at you, Walmart), and another can make enough $10Million+ a year, swinging a stick at a ball, and running a few hundred yards, a few times a night; something is drastically wrong with this country.

    I agree, if everyone says children are our future, why are the ones who take care of them for us given the lowest pay of any job requiring that degree of education?

    Entertainment should recieve a lower priority in general.
    absentrabbit likes this.
  3. redshadow1337

    redshadow1337 Ancient
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    Finally someone says something

    Excellent statement, and finally someone posts a comment on here. Anyone willing to argue against it?
  4. idiotninja

    idiotninja Ancient
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    Athletes, actors, and most entertainers make too much money in my opinion. Sure they have a talent, but is a talent that entertains people worth more than a talent that saves lives...short answer no. Long answer noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.
  5. The Evil Box

    The Evil Box Ancient
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    They make to much money. I mean they are only human, but they can play a sport better than other people.
  6. JessicaJones

    JessicaJones Ancient
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    Yes, for two reasons...
    1)Because I need some
    2)Because they win, not a big deal really, not worth that much money

    Thats my idea/.
  7. The Evil Box

    The Evil Box Ancient
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    That is very true. I consider a sport more of a hobby not a job.
  8. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    First of all. WELFARE was NEVER meant to help out those that decided not to go to college, or the lazy ass lady that decided to have 10 kids with an illegal immigrant. It was meant SPECIFICALLY for the KIDS that wanted to do something with their life. NOT the lazy, or incompitent adults that pay for it later down the line because they ****ed up their lives.

    Second of all, entertainment is the number 1 seller in America, and basically all the world. It is totally understandable for an actor, athlete, or any entertainer in general to make a CRAPLOAD of money. That is ok though because you need that rich guy that lives down the street. Most people complain and say hey why does he have so much money, but they don't realize that they are a huge piece of the economic puzzle. You need all those people that can afford a corvette, because they are the ones who hold the economy together. Without them, we'd just be communists, without rewards for achievements and whatnot.
  9. RiioT

    RiioT Ancient
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    Most of them sit the bench and still make millions of dollars just getting up to get some powerade. And who has to pay for their checks, our taxes and yes its true ive looked into it for a project in 6th grade.
  10. Dr. Chombie

    Dr. Chombie Ancient
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    now i realize that all of you are agreeing on the same thing, and yes i agree with all of you. athletes do make way too much money. we're stuck here in our blue collar jobs making minimum wage or maybe a little bit more, plus we have to pay for ridiculously high taxes, as well as some retarded ones too. i think the government should reduce the amount of taxes we pay but lets not get off topic here. although i agree that athletes make to much money, that does not bother me. what bothers me is that the amount of money they are making isn't enough for them. though some of the top athletes in the world are making millions a year, they still want more. baseball is ridiculous for this. athletes make 5-10 million a year while hockey players make about 1-3 million a year. now i know in baseball there are twice as many games as hockey so there's an explanation for that but all athletes expect more and more. for those of you who do not know the NHL wen on a lockout (strike) a few years back because players claimed they weren't making enough money even though they were already making 2 or 3 million a year (the top stars of course) so what i'm saying is to sum it all up, i'm not mad because they make too much money, i'm angry that they expect more.

    and redshadow, your not the person i'd expect to be getting into depth about a sports stars career. lol

    btw your poll gives the option no and its fair. in this type of debate they both mean the same thing
  11. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    You need to see it from both perspectives. One side will always see, "Everyone should be treated fairly, because everyone is born fair." This side will say, "That poor construction worker lost his old job and has a family of 8, he should be paid the same as a doctor." The other side will always see, "Everyone is given the same opportunity as everyone else, but how they use it determines how they should be treated." They will say, "That construction worker never tried hard in school and was fired from his last job for sleeping on the job, it's his fault."
  12. Darkdragon

    Darkdragon Ancient
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    Zander, i saw 1 flaw with your argument about how boxloaders are only there because they didnt go to college, somone has to do it, and most likely its a full time job, and if they didnt do it, then who would? walmat would fall apart, and another example: the people who pickup trash, without them there would be no place for it. so what im going at is that the lesser educated-manual-job people are just as important as a football player, because without them, the US would fall apart
  13. Lone Deity

    Lone Deity Ancient
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    I find that incredibly hard to believe. Private sports teams or studios =/= the government.
  14. yomtvraps

    yomtvraps Ancient
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    They are cleberities. It's not just the contracts that the teams pay them, its the endorsments too. Athletes are constantly in the spotlight. Sure you could argue that they're just kicking a ball around a pitch, or there just a bunch of idiots running around tacklingeach other, but can you guys do that. No. And if you could you would be out there making money like them. Athletes are the closet thing we have to superheros. We grow up watching them, and continue to go to they're games when we grow up. Look at the prices for American foot ball tickets. For decent tickets its like 80-120 dollars depending on the team. People pay it so they're the ones who should be getting payed. If they weren't filling the stadiums they wouldn't be getting money.
    TheDarkKnight05 likes this.
  15. abandoned heretic

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    the us preseident makes less than one million
  16. thorIZ

    thorIZ Ancient
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    I like the idea of a salary cap for everyone. Once you start earning over a certain amount then the rest is taken away, and given to some charity or research center or something.

    It'd be a pretty high salary cap, like, 2 million a year or something. Cos honestly no one NEEDS more than 2 million dollars a year.

    Not to mention football (NFL or soccer, take your pick), just get paid ridiculously huge sums of money.

    Anyway, I like my socialist/capitalist idea, mainly cos it still gives the incentive to be awesome at whatever it is you do so you can earn lots of cash, but it stops people from being so god damn ridiculously rich.
  17. The Spartan III

    The Spartan III Ancient

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    absolutely. it may be "hard" to do pro sports, but without teachers and the common man, were pretty ****ed. they deserve to at least make $130,000 a year. pro sports should at most make $400,000
  18. Yyzyyz

    Yyzyyz Ancient
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    hell yeah, they make tons of money just because they are good at something

    everyone is good at something though, but some things are not worth giving money for, which is unfortunate :(

    anyways, you get most money for things like football and rugby (which for americans is football, I am british) because it is harder than other sports, but do they really deserve this much money?

    Mabye a couple thousand but millions, out of order, what are they superheroes?

    Sports is just a fun thing to do that should not have payment for winning or something like that (but they do deserve a trophy)
  19. The Spartan III

    The Spartan III Ancient

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    i think they deserve payment, as it is a profession at higher levels, but not as much as they make. i think the cap for athletes should be 600,000 a year
  20. Zanitor

    Zanitor Ancient
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    I think they makes too much money, I think they may have it hard, but so does someone who works in an office sometimes, it is all hard in there own ways, so I think they actually should deserve a lot less.

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