My first attempt at a map it is supposed to be a prisoner remake
Hello and welcome to! Please divert your attention to the stickies at the top of the Forum for important information on how to post here :0) Most notably embedding pics and a link to your Bungie Forum post rather than your fileshare.
Epic Fail... Please read this topic and edit your original post if you want people to pay closer attention to your creations. You could also use this template when posting maps. Peace // gorebound
"My first attempt at a map, it is supposed to be a prisoner remake, tell me how bad it is" if you think that this map is that bad then why would you even bother putting it on forge hub, I'm not even going to comment on how bad of an epic fail your post was... TAKE PRIDE IN YOUR MAPS, especially if your posting them...
I thought the point of posting the map was to share it and have it critiqued by someone more experienced. That was just my way of saying "tell what you think of it." GOSH DARN IT I AM PROUD...even if you think it sucks. I put time into it, thus I am proud of it.
Well, if you would like us to see your map you need to work on a few things for posting it. HOW TO POST YOUR MAP There you go! Please make the changes soon before people lose interest. I am sure this is a great map but people need a good detailed description + Photos!