Ok, today me and my bro found a trick that when you have a grav lift on top of the open box and then jump inside the box you stick to the roof... Steps 1) Place a double or single box open 2) Place a grav lift on top of the box 3) Enter the box and start jumping, after a little trying you should be able to stick to the roof!? THIS IS NOT A GLITCH!!
thats not really a glitch in my opinion... its the grav lift trying yo pull you up but you stop on the top surface of the box because you cant go through it. its just how grav lifts work.
Yea, I was just about to post how it works... When you get close behind a grav lift it pulls you towards it, so it sticks you to the roof... It quite funny when people go "WTF? How u get up there!?!"
That was already said...Kind of pointless to repeat it. On-topic-It is pretty cool when it happens, especially in a game and the person freaks out.
This is not much of a glitch but normal. The grav lift is trying to pull you up (Grav lift) but the top of the box is stopping you. It is funny when your playing on live and you're doing it. everyone keeps askng "Howdya do it?"
Actually it is a glitch, it's the grav lift trying to send you in its set path, but there is an object blocking it. The same thing happens with an upside down one on the ground, and if you drive a warthog over it it gets the "low rider" effect.
lolzorz at sarge. hahah. maybe i should start copywriting my posts? i could have sued these kids for their copywrite infringement about how this isn't a glitch. I guess people have to get their posts in somehow, instead of spamming, they repeat. ©