Infection Map: ALIENS Map: ALIENS : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details Gametype: Aliens : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details Backstory: The Flood and the Conavent aren't the only aliens the UNSC must deal with. In a secret lab, on a frozen wasteland planet, scientists experiment with a creature said to be the ultimate in evolution. The perfect hunter. Suddenly there is a critical system failure. The lights go out, the Security Doors go offline, and the ventilation security stops working. Now with limited ammo the surviving humans must defend themselves agaist the vicious creatures and hope power is restored or someone come to rescue them. Random Info: There is a supply crate in the main hall, it has equipment for the humans and three overshields. The aliens can pick up these shields but they SHOULD NOT it ruins some of the gameplay if they do. they won't accidently pick them up as they must enter the crate to get them. After a short period of time, Security Door 2 will turn back on (shield door) Use this as a coming sign of help. Shortly after SD 2 comes online a security lockdown will take effect blocking both Security Door 2 and Security Door 1 (energy walls) There is still one last exit from the alien lair. The chaingun is SUPPOSED to be upside down NO GUNS OR GRANADES RESPAWN, USE AMMO WISELY AND STICK TOGETHER FRIENDLY FIRE IS ON Next zombie: chump 25% zombie count Human Stats: shield 100% Normal shields No recharge of shields starting gun: magnum damage: normal 100% movement normal motion tracker: normal 25 ally waypoint Alpha Zombie: health 150 normal shield no rechage 100% leech recharge 200 damage weapon: energy sword infinite ammo no weapon pickup 200 speed 75 gravity motion tracker: enhanced 25 poor camo black color Zombie: 150 health normal shield no recharge 50% leech rechagre 200 damage weapon: energy sword no pickup infinite ammo 200 speed 75 gravity motion tracker: enchanced 10 poor camo black last man: 50% recharge shields 110 damage Motion tracker: enhanced forced color: white security Door 1 LOCKDOWN Security Door 2 LOCKDOWN Security Door 2 offline Security Door 2 Online Alien escaping through ventilation shaft ((overshield is only there for you to see better)) Alien in Alien Hive Human shooting his last bullets in the only gun he has left, a pistol. Security Door 1 offline The Ventilation Shaft (Alien Side) Human entering ventilation shaft that leads to the hive Equipment Supply Room
You need to have pics in this thread for it to be up to Forgehub standards. Don't make multiple threads for a single map/gametype.
no, your whole post should be in one post and thread. Please edit the first one and add pics to that one, for now the post is not up to FH standards
last picture added security Door 1 LOCKDOWN Security Door 2 LOCKDOWN Security Door 2 offline Security Door 2 Online Alien escaping through ventilation shaft ((overshield is only there for you to see better)) Alien in Alien Hive Human shooting his last bullets in the only gun he has left, a pistol. Security Door 1 offline The Ventilation Shaft (Alien Side) Human entering ventilation shaft that leads to the hive Equipment Supply Room
Known Bugs: N/A feel free to critize and offer adivice this is the first map I've had enough confidence in to post
Well, it looks okay, great door ideas. Though I don't like that color and I just looks weird. Its an OK map thjough...3.5/5.
I was trying to make it dark and scary, thanks for the feedback, An added note its best to play with large group of 8 or so but if you have too many the humans run out of ammo too quickly, pics added to first post
this is a cool map. too bad that its like looking through fog the entire game. i wish i could b able to see a zombie coming towards me. sucks for the non-infected
dont double post and it looks original but needs some cleaning up and it could be fun just needs to be cleaner 3/5
I like it! Its a cool idea and it looks fun. I think you should of put more detail into the map, but other than that it looks great! Ill give it a 3.5/5 for the map, but ill give it a 4/5 for making it on cold storage!
I think the picture could be better if you have the effects turned off and then showed us everything but i give it a 3.5/5
Instead of old western and whatever else you used just use gloomy and juicy it will give a better creepy feeling for what yuou doing
Okay, the post looks fine now. Hmmm, I like the map, but the honour rule of zombies not picking up the powerups seems a bit bad. Other than that, this is good.