I am not really quite sure what section I should put my map in... It is a Rocket race type-gametype map so where does it go? racetracks, casual, or mini-game? I would like to know soon for that I am about to post it so please urgency would be helpful
I would say racetrack just because it used vip If this helps tell me because Im pretty sure its right
casual would be my say...racetracks are tracks. Rocket race is essentially a minigame that became casual...
ok casual it is I would have to agree with sdrakulich more, no offense eguitar its just that I was leaning more towards casual then all of the others
i back u two up casual it seems a racetrack would involbe a racetrack u dont have a track so casual... thought i would lend my opinion... but that is a good ??? nvr thought bout tha... CASUAL
Yes that was actually a hard question to answer but I was thinking since it used a vip varient it should be rocket race. That tells you one thing..dont listen to me int eh future for grouping maps lol