Moments in Campaign and Matchmaking that could be incorporated into forge maps 1. In the storm, there's a part where you have to destroy some wraiths, everyone went into a building because they were getting hurt from the wraith mortars. So the building was being bombarded by wraith mortars, and 3 people would shoot at the wraith with brs or something, while one guy went out and blew up the wraiths with grenades. 2. In avalanche, there was a large group of enemies in front of the base. A hornet, scorpion, and a wraith. We had to hold them off for 2 minutes until the game ended. We lost, but it was really fun trying to jump from the roof onto the scorpion to blow it up.
I believe that he is trying to ask us which moments in the campain we would like to make maps on. I say that I would love to geomerge and make a map as a floating base on Sierra 117. This would be kind of fun to merge with the plants and create a giant base in the same space where the covenant hid Sargent Johnson and the other marines. I believe is at the end of the level.
that is a moment. anyway, i like the part on the covenant when you are about to go inside the first structure thing to turn off the shields. you go down that hill, and theres a pond thing and some shades and other covenant.
I thank you for his topic. I just got the best idea on avalanche EVER. iy would have something to do with fighting scarabs from the level the covenant. I can also think of a way to use the end part of the level too. Blackout is also sounding like a good map to forge on with some of my new ideas.
He means sequences in the Campaign like beating Guilty Spark, making the jump into the Dawn or the destroying the Wraiths on The Storm and then turning them into a map + game type to play on. I think that the wraiths on The Storm could have potential tbh, you should try i'd DL for sure
I think he mean's remaking a campaign level, I have an Idea to do it ob Foundry and remake a place`where the level starts, You walk inside and all that part of the mission. I'll try to start building it tomorrow.
I'm pretty sure what he means is cutting out one part of Campaign, and adding it to forge. For instance, taking the indoor building chain on The Storm and making it a map for SWAT (An idea I have been thinking about for quite some time.)