I have a few ideas that I have been kicking around for a gamertag but I can't decide on which one to use. For anyone who cares about it could you vote and help me decide.
Don't be stealing my lone *snaps fingers* I was thinking about doing this type of thread too... And I picked FireNinja because it is just cool.
ZeroNinja is coolest :squirrel_jaffa:! Why do u want to change anyway? peeps keep changing their gamertag to something allmost egsactly the same. If ur gunna cgange it, it should be differant to ur old one.
i think changing it to just NINJ4 would be the best. adding the other stuff seems kinda lame sounding to me, plus we all know you as NINJ4 already. i wouldnt want to start calling you fire ninja... thatd be kinda gay lol