
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by S4TIRICAL, Feb 19, 2008.


    S4TIRICAL Guest

    You can find the map on this forum post at bungie

    Due to the server move my account and posts were deleted. Therefore I've had to repost this but if this is not allowed then I shall happily have this post deleted.

    Hi guys, this is my first proper map so please don't be too harsh if there are rough edges and things aren’t straight. The idea behind Duality was first of a walkway from the back and an almost empty pit kind of like an arena.

    From the start I wanted to emphasize mid range combat and add multiple levels for increased need of awareness. Later on I added bases and then from that expanded and eventually reached the point where two bridges joined the bases together and gameplay would be focused on good team shooting and general BR skill.

    Duality consists of two bridges as shown in the pictures below. The bridge furthest away has a rocket launcher and the other bridge has an overshield. Respawn times for these two items are 3 mins and 2 mins respectively. The barriers on the bridges serve two purposes; one is to prevent the machine gun turrets from being overly dominant and the other is to prevent people from jumping from one bridge to the other and collecting both the power weapon and power up. There is a way of doing this either through grenade jumping or using the brute shot to bounce off the top of the barrier, however this takes skill and I assumed that most people would be stopping the opposition from collecting them by good BR/Carbine skill.

    Shield doors were added to the two bases to try to prevent spawn camping and also to stop the power of the machine gun turret. Also the shield doors are placed so to prevent a team from just camping.

    A sniper sits at the corner of the back walkway and is on a 1min 30 respawn as bait to attract people to take the very exposed walkways.
    In the two double open boxes lie two maulers which can be used to control bottom mid and are on 1min respawns.

    In the two double boxes lie 2 maulers on 1min respawns. They can be used to dominate the close quarters pit where they spawn. The 2 shotguns lie on the top most bridge on both bases. I'm unsure if I actually deleted the maulers... or kept them there. Ah well guess you'll find out!


    Spawn points are spread around but are mostly in the two bases and the few outside below the walkways.

    Also on the map is a sword floating on a weapon holder. It is on the middle of the map and cannot be reached. The only way to get it is by using the rockets to knock it down. There are probably other ways but I’ve already tried grenades and so on but stickys slide off and spikes don’t knock it enough. To also make it dangerous collecting the fallen sword I have added explosives to the bottom.

    I designed this map for slayer only as I do not feel it is a very objective map. Primarily 4v4 team slayer would be the best. Please feel free to leave any comments or suggestions. And any problems in terms of weapon layouts and general gameplay feel free to e-mail or leave a message. I tested this map briefly and had positive comments. Hope you like it!

    Almost forgot but there are:
    8 Battle rifles (30sec)
    4 Carbines (30sec)
    2 maulers (1min)
    2 Snipers (1min)
    4 Spikers (30sec)
    2 Plasma pistols (30sec)
    2 SMGs (30sec)
    2 Shotguns (1min 30)
    1 Rocket launcher (3mins)
    1 Overshield (2mins)
    Some of these times may be wrong so I'm sorry I'm remembering these off the top of my head :p


    Other pictures:

  2. powersurge

    powersurge Guest

    Very clean. I'm assuming you spent a lot of time on this?

    Also, welcome to Forge Hub!
  3. TXGhost

    TXGhost Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks good the bridges remind me of the Canals map in Gears of War.

    S4TIRICAL Ancient
    Senior Member

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    sorry about the late reply but yes it took me a good 4-5 hours in construction and not to mention an extra hour to navigate round the attrocious forge controls and get things straight. I still have uneven places like the double open boxes cause forge would think it best that it when I picked the box it would be right in my face...:(. I am proud of it and it will probably be one of my only forge maps as I haven't got the inspiration like I did with Duality

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