
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by kieonsegg, Oct 13, 2008.

  1. kieonsegg

    kieonsegg Ancient
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    Adrenaline V2

    Hey everybody! V2 is officially out! Yea this is a pretty quick release but id thought u'd guys would like it. :)

    Changes in V2
    -deleted shield doors on top and bottom, only one that remains is the center bottom one by the mauler
    -changed spawn times on fusion coils, active camo, spike grenades, firebomb grenade.
    -deleted shotgun and added brute shot
    -mauler has no spare clip
    -CLEANED UP MANY OF THE INTERLOCKS (its not perfect, but hey, are you actually gonna stop in the middle of the battle with your AR and jump to find a little crack from the bottom to top of the box?)
    -added an up arrow and another fence wall by the lift

    -added 2 spikers, 2 plasma rifles, 2 sentenial beams (180 sec resapwn) and 2 plasma pistols
    -added interlocked camos and overshileds for the bases
    -made the a nd b sign more visible and moved some boxes around
    -changed the grav lift to instantly respawn

    ~~~~~~~Original Post (a bit has been added/changed) Just pretend the shield doors arent there and there is alot better interlocking~~~~~~~~

    Hey guys, this is my frist REAL crack at interlocking. I had a small map in mind and this is what i came up with. It's a small Slayer or Team Slayer map, composed of 2 "lifts" that will send you to the 2nd floor. There are a few gaps to jump down to the bottom.Very uniques structures and tons of weapons. P.S it is also set up for team swat, swat, and oddball.

    Weapon List (from what i can remember)

    Brute Shot x1
    Mauler x1
    BR x4
    Carbine x4
    Plasma Rifle x4
    SMG x6
    Spiker x4 or
    Plasma Grenade x4
    Spike Grenade x3
    Firebomb Grenade x1
    Camo x1
    Needler x2 (they are sorta hidden)
    Power Drainer x1
    Regenerator x1
    Turret x2
    Plasma Pistol x2
    Sentenial Beam x2


    Overview of Top Floor

    Overview Top Floor 2

    Top of Lift

    Bottom of Lift

    Overview of Bottom

    Overview of Bottom 2

    Kneed in the Face

    "I love too you buddy"

    Adrenaline V2

    There it is hope everyone likes it!
    OwlWolf likes this.
  2. JessicaJones

    JessicaJones Ancient
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    If the elite loves him so much, where is the spartans heads...? Anyway, the bap looks cool, I like the center structure thingy. Very original, 5/5. I am download NOW!!
  3. Cheif Jarvis MLG

    Senior Member

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    This map looks cool i will dl right now =D the interlocking looks good for your first time to keep up the good work.
  4. IrishBeast

    IrishBeast Ancient
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    Hey i just posted on the original this morning. Now i can not add much but. The fact that you took out the shield doors show you truly care about what the comments said, and you pay attention to them! That is smart for anyone new. Like I said before those stair structures just for a random reason stick out even though I have seen them like 3 separate times. Good map, Good work, Good ____ whatever you want.

  5. kieonsegg

    kieonsegg Ancient
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    thanks man. to be serious, i started out with ONLY those stairs like that. and i thought to myself, man i wanna make a map and incorperate those stairs and so thats where it all started :)
  6. mauserman

    mauserman Ancient
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    well the center is good and interlocking is good so i might dl ths
  7. kieonsegg

    kieonsegg Ancient
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    lol like 5 ppl said they'd dload it and so far it has 1 ! :)
  8. OwlWolf

    OwlWolf Ancient
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    Lol i have to say it looks very confusing
    but it makes sense
    The aesthetics on this monster look very nice
    the interlocking is alright in the pictures but as you said you fixed them
    i shall download this and check out every crack(that i'm not supposed to look at)
    and i actually dl'ed lol
  9. DeathToll77

    DeathToll77 Gone For Sec
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    The map is very clean looking and the multi-levels are attracting to me. I will download and review soon!!
  10. kieonsegg

    kieonsegg Ancient
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    thanks for ur input.
    all the boxers are interlocked. its just the boxes sitting on top of the other boxes, u can sometimes see a little crack but from left to right im pretty sure they 98% perfect :)
  11. OwlWolf

    OwlWolf Ancient
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    Ya actually i was going to say that
    I checked out the map
    I like it... for 1v1 or even 2v2
    everything(as in the boxes and scenery) seems to flow together and i cant really comment on the weapon set because i didnt get a chance to play with anyone(i may update later)
    The only things i dislike are the boxes with the crack... and i also noticed that the box that has the arrow on it is out further out than the boxes next to it... idk how to tell you which side
    but thats not a big deal
    all i have to say is it seems like it would be amazing to play small games on
    your weakness in the map seems to be the crookedness of some objects... but again thats alright
    But overall i like it and this one i will keep
    Continue making fun little maps like this one :)

    EDIT: I also just checked out the weapon list (I admit I skipped over it last time), and I noticed the weapon set seems to be kind of large. Maybe cut down on some weapons is a suggestion, especially ownage weapons like mauler or firebombs. Just a suggestion :)
  12. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
    Senior Member

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    looks worse/better than v1
    interlocks are better, cleaner
    that many shield doors? gameplay has to be atroctios
    what was the point of the tele node?
    turret on a small enclosed map?, no!
  13. kieonsegg

    kieonsegg Ancient
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    Thanks for your input ill fix these up if i make a v3
    wow how about you read the description before commenting. eh?
    ddont crtisize until u READ IT. ITS VERSION 2 I DELTED THE SHIELD DOORS
    tele node looks cool and points up for the lift
    turret is fine, its fun its not like ur gonna snipe with a turret....
    #13 kieonsegg, Oct 13, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2008

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