I made this CTF map on foundry which has two bases connected by a perfectly straight tunnel such that you can snipe all the way to the opposite base. there is a bubble shield in the middle so you can protect yourself from sniper fire. the bases are perfectly identical to each other so there is no advantage to either base. there are mongooses in each base for quick suicide runs for the flag. this map may sound impossible to get each flag but its actually rather possible and extremely fun. Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
Interesting idea, kind of like the one on Last Resort. One tunnel doesn't seem to be an excellent idea though, and I would add a few more or some branches.
You have a good idea set up it would be crazy to play this on flag or slayer good map as well i rate this as a 4\5 =D
i like this! its like a dungeon kind of map, looks cool- and its amazing how you made the mongoose as a weapon of doom on this map! SWEET!
nice map, i loved the last resort map, tunnel raid 2.0, can't wait to see how this plays. one thing to make the map look better: interlock the weapon holder that holds the bubble shield into the box below so that they can't see the weapon holder, making it look like the bubble shield is floating. for now, 4.5/5, when i see how it play's i'll come back and give you a real review.
Phenomenal is the first word that comes to mind. You've revolutionized the experience of my gameplay. I love tunnel-themed maps, but there just aren't very many decent ones on Forge-Hub. But, thanks to you, we have 2 great ones! Thank you, your map is extraordinary! 5/5 most definitely.
I must say, The idea of a corner wall tunnel is genious! its like a crooked tunnel, anf for CTF, thats even better, but a randome mongoose..? that kinda left me confused for a second. and just saying, the wall corners would look cleaner if they were interlocked. Overall Rating: 7/10 "I Like The Idea, Its Orginial!"
Its a good Idea but it does sound difficult to get the flag and if you get to the opponents base wouldn't there be a chance of spawn killing.
Dude nice map but really badly need to fix the bottom floor with the little holes and slit to make grenades perfect
Well, don't mind how I'm about to word this but, it's a failure as of now. This map definitely has potential, as do you but after playing this through I see that there is great need for improvement. 1) Add more tunnels. Just one tunnel, well it seems like there is no strategy involved, just GO NOW, YOU HAVE A 50/50 CHANCE OF EITHER MAKING IT OR NOT. A no brainer. With uno tunnel the only option is take that one route without the opportunity to try out a new tactic/plan. + smooth them out, stubbed my toes; ouch! 2) Make tunnels larger. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyy to cramped. Yes that "way" could've been more dramatic. It's so very cramped in these tunnels, only room for either A; One spartan or B; one mongoose crushing spartan, ya see how this doesn't quite work? 3) Add more cover. The bases seem fine, though they could use an aesthetic touch, but the tunnels are to drab. Add some cover, after making them wider to allow for a chance at survival (referring to points 1 & 2). Other than that I see this as being your 'trophy map' I mean who doesn't love tunnel combat? Like I said though, you have potential just take some of these points into mind.
Nice tunnel, it reminds me of tunnel raid on last resort. It might not be the fairest map but it sure is fun.
When I initially made this map, I didn't think it would be fun at all. I just thought it would be hella funny to see what would happen. My initial motivation was 1v1 snipers, then i placed flag spawns and it turned into flag. This map is cool because when you're on defense you don't have to worry about people flanking you at your base. If you set the respawn times high, you begin to play more tactical and less suicidal. It's one thing to think about whats going to happen and it's another to actually play the map. This map is fun because you can get legit double mongoose splatters and triple sniper headshots if you leave the respawn times default. Having only one point of entry makes gameplay predictable and less stressful, at least from my point of view. The only reason why I made the tunnel so narrow was because placing a wall corner on top of a double box was the only way i could make a tunnel w/o any merging glitch or floating pieces since i didn't know how at the time. And now that I can do those things, i might just make tunnel 2 with every glitch know to man and make it beautiful. Thank you for your feedback.
Dang man, this is a very cool concept, but perhaps you could have improved the tunnel by adding a bit of cover, like interlock a couple walls or something so that you wouldn't have as large as a chance to die as you would without walls. I really do like the Idea you put into this map, it looks extremely fun for something like one bomb. I have one last suggestion: Make one massive floating structures above the tunnel. People that spawn in these structures drop down into the tunnel through a hole. These holes is one way, meaning you can't jump up onto these structures. These structures would force people into the tunnel with grav lifts and man cannons at up to eight random hole points. now that would make gameplay action packed. 4.8/5, this is a great map!
Very original, well set up map. I know If i would play on this map I would defityl go for that sniper. the interlocking is very nice on this map and from pics Gameplay exspecially ctf should be great!
mhm, though I can't completely agree with your views on 'predictable' gameplay. Unpredictable games are teh best. It's not really too much fun to always know what's going to happen, helpful, just not something that will be fun months from now. I strongly urge to you persue the idea of making a either double, or even triple tunnel map, with larger, better contructed tunnels.