Forge- vehicle binding

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by laxmaster232, Feb 20, 2008.

  1. laxmaster232

    laxmaster232 Ancient
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    Okay so i was playing around in forge and i found out how to take a vehicle and place it half underground!
    so to do this you lay 3 wall flat on top of each other then you place a double box. then delete the walls for a floating box. after that take a warthog and wiggle it under the box. press (x) and set the re spawn rate to 180 and no for the place at start.
    start a new round and the warthog shouldn't be there. if it is check the runtime minimum and make sure its not equal to the maximum. ok now take a new warthog wiggle it back under the box like right on top where the other one spawns and KEEP HOLDING IT!!!. press (x) twice and set the runtime minimum the same as the max and if done correctly a warthog should appear under it glitching in the ground while still holding to warthog press start save the level then quit. make a new game and the warthog should be glitching under the one on top of it. delete the one on top and there you go!. also if the warthog falls completely underground wait a little it will pop back up. and if everyone could experiment with this and upload there pics maybe we can find a way to morph vehicles to make a new breed :) or any thing else. here are my pics



    *UPDATE*- if you get in the hog when its in the ground you make fall to your death but after try again and it will work

    also more pics soon i hope

    *UPDATE* I think i came up with a new way to do this but i will try it ok instead of 3 walls put 4 down then stack the box delete the walls then put a wall on the ground under the box and a warthog over it delete the wall set the respawn time to 180 for the warthog and place at start=no start new round and put the new warthog where the other one was and set the runtime min to the max while still holding save and end game the restart.
    hope this works
  2. Kapura

    Kapura Ancient
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    This could have immense promise, particularly for the people who do the Tower Defense mini games. But before I judge this as useful, I need to know two things:
    1: Does the warthog stay grounded after a save and reload?
    2: What happens if somebody tries any of the three positions (gunner, passenger, and driver)?

    If both of those things are error free, than you just created a much larger pool of turrets on foundry :D
  3. laxmaster232

    laxmaster232 Ancient
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    when save and replayed yes it is still underground but in like a minute the vehicle pops back up so im workin' on it. :)
  4. Coolant

    Coolant Ancient
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    Try holding it down with a window panel. Just use the save and quit if it won't stay down when you place it on it.
  5. xXmooregamesXx

    xXmooregamesXx Ancient
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    Very nice! Unbreakable turrets/ gauss turret would be sweet! Can you get in the driver/ pass. seats?
  6. MealonX

    MealonX Ancient
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    wow, I like I want to try this Pronto!
  7. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    You could use immovable scenery, as stated above. This is a nice idea. I'll assume this works with all vehicles, then? Imagining a Wraith tank stuck in the ground is pretty cool.
  8. MealonX

    MealonX Ancient
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    I had the idea first, *Copyrighted*

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  9. xXmooregamesXx

    xXmooregamesXx Ancient
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    Wow... I'm going to read that because I am sure you are just rambaling....

    OMG! I haz Shell Shocked Idea!!!! wraith in ground= catapult or AA gun!!!!

    EDIT: What the heck did you copy that from? Lolz....
  10. The Jon B

    The Jon B Ancient
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    I'm definitely going to play around with this, but wouldn't the vehicle go nuts and fly across the map or just come up out of the ground once you try to get in it? Seems like it would...
  11. Wakko45

    Wakko45 Ancient
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    The reason it is popping up is because it is respawning. You may be forcing the warthog into the ground put the spawn point is still above ground, therefore after its 30 seconds (or however many so), it spawns back above ground. To fix this you would have to grab the warthog and let it go without it flying out of the ground.
  12. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Well, technically, I did. See, my time stamp is almost a half hour before yours. So I sue you for fraud and (ironically) forgery.
  13. XfX Catastrophe

    XfX Catastrophe Ancient
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    Ok who cares if it was your idea first stop arguing and he can use your idea if he wants too.

    On the other hand, This if a very cool trick but the whole thing with falling through the level is a problem. If you are firing and just fall through it then it will be annoying. Good work though.
  14. xX0 Minion 0Xx

    xX0 Minion 0Xx Ancient
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    This would be very cool for a pirate ship map :D
  15. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    Maybe setting the vehicle to never respawn will eliminate that. I probably won't be able to try this out until the weekend, but this idea is definitely intriguing...
  16. HPssauce

    HPssauce Ancient
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    * looking at comments above * wtf mealonx, theres no use of you putting copy right enfringement on this site. No one cares who thought of it first and the forum rules specify this-

    anyhoo, looks brilliant - if it properly works a few gauss turrets would be an intresting spin on maps, nice work- see if u can do this for a scorpion tank and plonk it on top of a tower so it gets converted into a heavily armed sentry tower.
  17. Klip LK

    Klip LK Ancient
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    Well isn't this like mergeing objects with geometry?
    Why can't we just merge something with the Vehicle aswell?
    Maybe a windom panel or another small immovable object (door?).
  18. xX Pyro42 Xx

    xX Pyro42 Xx Ancient
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    Actually, since an indestructible turret is the only real advantage, just design a gametype to go with your map that makes it so vehicles are indestructible and never respawn.

    Of course, since gametypes recieve fewer downloads than maps, you might want to add a weapon holder to the top of the pushed down Warthog. When the 'Hog respawns, the holder should be inside, thus preventing the 'Hog from moving even after respawn, and still letting it be a destructible turret.
  19. Klip LK

    Klip LK Ancient
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    Wow that's actually a great idea!
    I have GOT to use this in one of my future maps!
  20. CHUCK

    CHUCK Why so serious?
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    a warthog is a moveable object so i don't see this working. and you still never answered the question about getting into the vehicles merged into the ground. when i tried doing this by merging a hog and a box a few weeks ago, as soon as i got in, it fell through the floor and i fell to my death.

    i dont think this could be used like everyone is thinking.

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