OK guys the next and probably last batch is done, complete with a template so that if you want to you can make your own. Please Pm me if you would like one, but you can still use this thread for showing off yours that I have made you or that you make yourself. A few hints: To get the Grey color of the weapons simple copy any existing tag and use the dropperthingy. To color the bottom pick one color and progressively darken it according to the shades of grey. Here they are. For Gerbil For albyhouse For opothehippo (if you look closely the white teeth are actually there) For Mealon X (see they're piano keys =]) And lastly, the Template
Honestly, I was just about to say I could help create these if you wanted. But you posted the template so they can do it themselves. This is great, gj.
If you're still doing these and you don't mind.... can I place an order? Maybe I can offer some goods or services in exchange someday. How bout..... either a seagull or a swordfish. Make it a swordfish, colored cyan. Thanx!
For albyhouse's you should change the all-green bars to be green-red-yellow-blue-orange, from left to right.
A couple days ago I tried to make one with a companion cube. This is what I came up with. Although I still need to add some text. I think it's pretty good considering I only have Paint to use.
url=http://www.download.com/22Pixels-Flock/3000-2192_4-10504542.html]Here That's the direct download page, but the flock pack also comes with a bunch of Photoshop brushes so if you don't want them your going to have to delete them.