After a couple of weeks have gone by I have seen many new members with under 100 posts that have like three bars of rep and I have never seen them before. Not that they dont deserve it because they help the commuity but I think that rep has been an issue because after rep was created people didnt go passed on bar because no one had that much weight. But now we have people such as linubidix who can basically give you a bar of rep? Discuss Quotes: J A Y brings up a good point here:
do you see the green bars under my name? that is my rep bar. rep is something members use to either approve or disapprove a someones post. So if its green, people generally agree with that users posts, and if its red, they dont, or they hate the post. To give rep you click the small balance scale at the bottom left of someones posts and type in a comment. However it doesn't affect anything.
That could be decieving. Posts in Off-Topic don't count toward total postcount, so they could have 470 in Off-Topic and 30 in the rest of the forum. And considering that something like 75% (a rough estimate) of total rep given comes from Off-Topic... Hey, at least rep doesn't grow exponentially. Imagine that: instead of giving a certain number of points, you multiply the recipient's rep by your weighted value. It's like inflation in post-WWI Germany (because we all know how well that turned out).
Wait... I tihnk I have spotted the flaw in the system... WHY can you get/lose rep in Off Topic, I tihnk removing that would fix one of the major holes in the rep system.
i agree squiddish. plus rep for u. lol. i think that we all should have only 1 bar for neg and positive without weight so everyone would b the same... like communism
Regardless of the fact that I typo'd think TWICE, I'm sticking with that. And I agree with you too, unweighted rep would be genius. Let there jsut be a general red or green, and then a post count and the respective rank. Those two together tell you everything you need to know
Let's honestly think of the situation here. I mean go indepth about our reputation status. Rep was made for the community as respect towards members, and negative reputation status would count for disrespect. Reasons we believe Reputation should be given: Helping others, constructive critizm, speaking the truth. Reasons for negative reputation: Spam, Necro-Posting, flaming [not in a gay way]. Now let's think for a second here. Are these the true reasons why reputation is given? Shocking factor: 16% of Forge Hub population says yes. This is dis-cluding propaganda from our high-ranking respected members. My case on the theory is simple, we really play a role of favorism. Favorism: fav-or-is-m [Noun] 1. The act of favorite people who are friends. This however will take out of context: Why do we see 75% of off-topic people getting reputation. Right! Favorism leads towards our charismatic, highly-respected, entertaining people. Which leads that both of your suggestions would critically eviscerate the balance of the reputation system. - With regard, Kagemusha
Rep has really gotten out of hand to the point where the bar has stoped growing. Rep whoring goes on, a lot. Soon, I will be investigating all suspects for rep whoring. And with the go ahead from higher ups I will be infracting. Honestly, I see a lot of members with extremely high rep and I don't see much that's actually worth repping. Don't forget guys, mods can view rep. I've breifly checked a few people and I can guarantee that there is rep whoring going on. I won't be pointing the finger at anyone but if you see any members with extremely high rep wearing the pink rank, I think you'll know why.
See the thing is rep has turned into a popularity contest between some people, I won't list anyone because that would be derogatory towards the stereo-types here on forgehub. If a new member joined and said something awesome or they knew someone with high rep in person, they could easily just get repped by someone with lots of rep. Then suddenly what do you know you have someone that has 50 posts and 10 bars of rep. Now when you think about it, that person could of done nothing to help the community. When a new member sees someone with lots of rep, they can easily be decieved into thinking that person is highly thought of and or is very helpful among the community. Most of the time this is true... but there will always be people that take something good and ruin it for everyone. I myself and a few others use rep the way it should be used. Some people go and rep someone for the sake of repping someone or to liked amongst everyone. Now they are the people ruining it for everyone, I know who most of those people are and I hope if you are a rep ***** and reading this, I hope you know that you are making other people stay short or ruining it for people like me. I have thought of possible ways to solve rep abuse, but some of them are too hard for the web devs to do or is just pointless. 1- Get rid of rep completely 2- Make it so everyone can see who repped who. 3- Keep rep the way it is and just up the infraction points to people who rep abuse. I would personally like to see the 3rd idea come into play, rep abuse = infraction of 5 points. The downside to this not enough mods to do put this into play. The way to solve that, get more mods. Forgehub is growing each day and there will be more of those members that continue to get people in thier rep circles. Then making abusing rep even more. Guys... please don't abuse rep.
Whilst you raise a good point there jay, and I do agree with almost everything you've said. Banning someone for rep whoring is a bit much. The three points is fine, it's just a lot of people get away with it. Warned for 20 days seems just, in fact possibly a bit too much. You had an excellent post there, just I think the punishment for rep whoring is fine it's just it isnt given all that much.
I suggest we take drastic measures to really scare members to stop performing Rep Whoring. 1st offence - 10 Day Warn. 2nd offence - 3 Day Ban.
yes i have realized it. Like linubidix said the rep system is getting a bit out of hand and the reason why new members have a lot of rep is some members wont to give rep to their friends and can't because the site permits you to give it out to the same person. so theres when the new members come in. I feel someone needs to take charge but be careful, its easy to infract someone that looks like there rep whoring and in reality are not. I trust the mods but i feel to solve this problem is taking away multiple bars. Doing this people wouldn't care about how much rep they have. To distinguish the good from the bad i think they should keep the red and green bar.
Do you think you can tell me a brief description on what rep whoring really is? is it basically giving our rep for no reason or just running around giving people random rep. Or is it asking for it?
Well I've been here since April and feel my rep is well deserved and I am kind of shocked by some of the new members with so much rep. So I dunno who is giving them all this rep because it isn't new members. Then they would get like 1 point at a time. So I guess I'll cut down on my rep giving and do my part. I so wanted to give linu rep for his post and say something like NO U!
i think all of you make good points if everyone dealt the same pos. and neg (a comm. style) then it would be equal... but most the ppl with higher rep lets take Linubidix arent as likely to give rep for rep whorish reasons... and there opinions can be taken more highly b/c they are a higher rank officer respect w/e u wanna call them so i think the system now is fine i think we need to give ppl a guide line of what u should get + rep for so ppl will no like ppl that get inf. for posting and such learn quickly... and for w/e else they do they will stop so i think.... that we should leave it this way give ppl guides and um infract ppl but nothing to major for the first 2 offense then 3rd one we should crack down.... and of course when i say WE i mean YOU lol im just a puny shotgun lol
It is easy for people to boost for it, they could just have a buddy rep them all the time so they can have a crap load of it.
^--- Didn't understand one word of Boyle's post. Now, the whole rep whoring thing is stupid. People do it thinking it makes them better, but what they don't know is that even if you have high bars, if other users know how you act, they still don't like you. I believe that the way a user acts in his/her posts and such shows their personality and how good of a member they really are. Rep doesn't show much unless you know the user personally...