SymSlay V2

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by mistabig123, Oct 10, 2008.

  1. mistabig123

    mistabig123 Ancient
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    SymSlay is a symetrical map that surports all gametypes.
    It is designed for 2-12 players
    The maps Weapon layout is symetrical
    Ive tested it and couldnot find anyways so get out of the map
    So Here are some basic screen layouts of the map










    The Doors Are Teleporters


    Rocket Spawn

    Link To Map

    Sorry this is my first post if ive done anything wrong
    Update: Ive Remove those fusion coils and vehciles people where saying that you could get out by
    Update:ive Just Added a new map with walls preventing you from geting out of the map

    Download,Rate And Enjoy The Map!
    #1 mistabig123, Oct 10, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2008
  2. Kitten X

    Kitten X Ancient
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    From what I can tell... well, I can't say very much... needs more screenshots.
    Yes, there are enough, but they're all action shots.

    From what I can see, it looks very intriguing and fun.

    For now this deserves a 6/10.

    Obibital likes this.
  3. Black Magic105

    Black Magic105 Ancient
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    nice map i will be looking foward to play it.But my opinion is that u need big pics but thats just me
  4. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    it looks kinda open on the bottom
    but this map has some potential.
    it looks like a fun arena 2v2 map.
    open isnt always bad-it just makes gameplay much harder.
    i suggest you add small spots to take cover behind.

    and the rockets, you should take out the shields. It only makes it easy to rush to the rockets.
    such as vallhalla's laser, its placed in the open so that all teams must fight before they can take the chance to pick it up.
    #4 Loscocco, Oct 10, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2008
    JASONYO likes this.
  5. HLG Viper

    HLG Viper Ancient
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    This post would appeal to me more if you had some better overview pictures. They are all pretty small, and they are all action shots except for the first ones. I sthere any side-tunnels? Can you post a weapon list? Included forging method list? Remember, it's the thread that gives you downloads. The better screenshots and description, the more interesting it will be to read.

    And dude, i see a way out right now. And it's fatal in Oddball. See the fusion coils in the first picture? Push one of them away so that you don't die from the blast, then jump on to it. After that, beat it and jump at the same time. You will be launched onto the map border.
    Obibital likes this.
  6. Ja Red is Ninja

    Ja Red is Ninja Ancient
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    very good post. It does look like it is breakable, I suggest you somehow fix it. like put a roof on or raise the walls. It does look like a good map. I might DL and check it out.
  7. ShreddedDreamz

    ShreddedDreamz Ancient
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    One question... couldnt people jump and board those vehicles through the fence boxes, and become stuck. they are somewhat eye appealing, but i would most likely remove them.
    Obibital likes this.
  8. mistabig123

    mistabig123 Ancient
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    no i moved the vehicles back so you cant board them and ive made it almost impossible to get out of the map

    Edit:ive Removed the Vehicles
    #8 mistabig123, Oct 10, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2008
    JASONYO likes this.
  9. HLG Viper

    HLG Viper Ancient
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    Double-posts are not allowed, i suggest you start editing your old posts.

    It is breakable, unless you fixed those fusion coils. Believe me. You can deny it as much as you want, but it is possible. I'll download it and try to find as many ways out as possible for you.

    EDIT; It was indeed possible. You could blow both up to get onto the fenceboxes. Furthermore, you can board the ghost if you jump from the fusion coils. Also, the brute-shot is just as easy to break out with.
    #9 HLG Viper, Oct 11, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2008
  10. mistabig123

    mistabig123 Ancient
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    Pics Updated
    Map Updated No Vehicles In Fence box Ontop of map and Coils Removed From The Top Level as seen on the first picture on the bottom left corner and the bottom right corner
  11. ShreddedDreamz

    ShreddedDreamz Ancient
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    i have seen maps, though with the vehicles in cages, where a well-placed nade moves the vehicles a little bit though, so i was still wondering. good the vehicles have been moves, its a shame that you can grab them through walls because they are always aesthetically pleasing.
  12. Savagesound

    Savagesound Ancient
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    this map is kinda sloppy and very open and small, try taking out all the power weapons like the rocket sword and hammer and put in some rifles and maybe an overshield, try making it more towards one side so you can have more room to expand it and enclose it, it will make it alot better.
  13. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
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    Weapon Placement.

    Seems to be rather flourished with power weapons. Rockets in Shield doors seem pointless. Combined with open spaces equal easy kills if you dont get your hands on one.And the Regular weapons are oddly placed. A Br and Carbine opposite to each other in the same room?

    I see that you have an uninteresting layout, bland. Try new things, make structures that please the eye and compliment gameplay also. Game play first, always.

    As for my taste and interest I rate this map, 3/10. For reasons previously stated.

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