I just got modded against in a social game out of nowhere. It was in High Ground. The mods: Instant respawn Sniper shots= Tank shots Shotgun bullets= Brute Shot grenades Always respawned at the beach Modder had super speed & 50% Gravity My team always spawned with fire on us. Picked up Invincibly Equipment went I dodged a rocket
Invincibility equipment? Like campaign? Cool! How are they on XBL? I thought that was illegal... and I have only played Instant Respawn in a custom... That is annoying.... boo modders! But are you sure it was a social game? Sounds like a social game in customs. :squirrel_wtf:
That doesn't seem to really work. I have reported many people for cheating but they never get banned or suspended. Like this guy today he could 2 shot Battle rifle you, one beatdown, or one grenade every time. He went like 40-2 because he couldn't die. I should show you guys the clip that just happened to me the other day. I guy lunged through the ceiling with sword and pulled me down a level on Guardian to then sword me down there. It is crazy and the even weirder part was that there was no lag.
please show that clip....i would like to see it. and as far as ONLINE modders go....they all suck. (There...All Fixed! =) )
Now, that's just plain irritating. Mods are fun and creative. Many mods on Halo 2 had pretty cool stuff. One mod, for an example put enemy and ally AI bots into multiplayer usage for huge-scale battles. Another introduced Co-op Multiplayer to Halo 2. A great modder emulated Foundry and Forge to Halo 2. Another modder, through ingenious physics exploitation, created a gun that threw objects (and people) towards and away, like a gravity gun. Many off-line modders are well-known players. But when some stupid 10-year old kid goes online with some dumb motivation as to 'get more ranking', it really bugs the hell out of me. Because it tarnishes the reputation of modding in whole. I do mod, but never publish anything. In fact, I can guarantee that there's at least two other users on this site that are prestigous H2 modders. So shut up, and think before you stereotype and generalize. Only online modding is bad and horrible. We do not suck.
ok maybe i should watch how i put words....lol believe me, I love mods, but not mods that are used in matchmaking.....thats what sucks, as far as large scale battles, ive been in a couple, and they are quite fun. I guess what im tryin to say is, as long as you dont take it online, I really dont have a problem with it.
Yes... online matchmaking modders suck. Creative, fun multiplayer modders are great. That grav gun sounds sweet. If it is recreational, Its fine. But once it is modding to exploit games and for the purpose of winning, bad....
I believe some idiot faked that. Although it's entirely feasible, given the game mechanics. [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5HptMIgQN_k[/youtube]
dont report them thru the xbox guide feedback function, save the film and email bungie about it. give them a detailed description of what happened, and all the gamertags that were doing it. something is more likely to be done that way than via the "cheating" feedback option
I knew some kids on Halo 2 who were considered Semi Pro/Pro by MLG standards. They were just eventually too good to ever get a good match anymore so they started modding. Mods are not the worst thing to come since ever.
Mods are cool outside' matchmaking (i.e. customs). Inside of it, it is just plain stupid and pisses me off.
Mods in Matchmaking always pissed me off because in Halo2 When I got a 32 in Hardcore, There were an endless match up of modders & Bridgers before I finally got to 37. The Mods in used against me in Halo 3 Pissed me off even more than it did In Halo2. Just be careful who match up against from now on.
Well if you have only ever played Halo3 you proberably wont see a modder but if you play Halo 2 and get to around level 35 you will see a modder,standbyer or some other type of cheater every 1 in 5 matches.
I would like to see mods in H3 (for custom games and stuff) or a mod that erases the map for forge. So you can start from scratch