Debate Are the Forgehub Staff "Corrupt"

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Linubidix, Oct 10, 2008.

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  1. Vinny

    Vinny Ancient
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    Who cares anymore?

    Because the color of my status box changes, does not alter the weight and integrity of my posts.
    Penguinish likes this.
  2. Klink258

    Klink258 Ancient
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    Exactly. The people who think it does are the ones who complain that the staff are corrupt.
  3. Penguinish

    Penguinish Ancient
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    Hello sirs, i am a corrupt member of the staff. I lock requested threads, move posts where needed, an delete untasteful, and unwanted posts. On top of that I dont even infract or warn people for messing up on little things. Im a horrible person. please call me names. Sorry for living up to your corrupt expectations.
    LOL zombie and Tex like this.
  4. Psycho

    Psycho Ancient
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    Honestly I had to post again on this thread because of what I just saw. A member complained, uber spammed about 50 times, and then a minute later, Insane banned him. That is what keeps the site alive for lack of a better word. He spammed a ton and broke almost every rule. The staff are very helpful.
  5. Grif

    Grif Na'vi Tits
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    Hello I'm a Mac.

    Look I really don't care that much about my power. It is stressful at times. Trying to make the right decision to keep this site alive. Its not fun. Sure we have secret LOLs, but we also have to make everything run so you can enjoy it.
  6. Zendarrun

    Zendarrun Ancient
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    You don't get infracted because of the word itself. You get it because ALOT of people get pissed when you strongly insult another member for no good reason.

    When you said that word, you did three things:

    1) You insulted another member, thus angering that member and his/her friends. You also used unnessisary insults.
    GTFO means people are SICK OF HEARING YOU. It is not an insult, it is a way people tell you to shut up before you make some new enemies. GTFO is also often preceded by a more polite way of telling you to shut up.

    **** is a term used ONLY to insult people.

    2) You angered some of the more respecting members. It's a natural human instinct to hate someone who is wrongfully or overly antagonizing another being.
    You seem to have a reputation of doing just that, thereore more people will hate you for it.

    3) You made yourself look like a poorly educated, ignorant, uncaring, antagonizing person. You only hurt yourself with words like that.

    Put this all togeather, plus the fact that the mods already are less tolerant of your behavior, and you get INFRACTED.

    I respect the staff. I believe their actions are for the good of ForgeHub. They were all once very well respected regular members. Their reputation of being respectful to others and not being an ass because they think they're better than everyone else is one of the main reasons why they are mods today.

    They may seem like an ass to certain people. But those people were likely being punished for being an ass as well.

    And that is also why the mods hate you yomtvraps.
  7. Vinny

    Vinny Ancient
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    An infraction, does not make you any less of a member.

    Just a member who is painfully honest.
  8. Reynbow

    Reynbow Ancient
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    Okay what the **** is wrong with you people, seriously.

    Linu you started this, I hope you feel bad xD

    Basically, who ****ing cares if they are. If you don't like it, **** off. No one gives a ****.

    People make friends, that's life. It's just that damn simple. If the owner/s don't like what a staff member is doing then you will all know it. If not, then so ****ing what.

    If they want to be bias against you, then it sucks to be you. If not, then good for you. But seriously, quit your damn bitching and whining about it. This is a website, not the ****ing government.

    The so called 'corrupt' members of this site effect your life in no way, shape or form. So corruption is pretty much null and void. It's like being in a club, if you're not wanted then you will find out.

    Now quit all your bitching and shut the **** up.
    LIGHTSOUT225 and Insane54 like this.
  9. Knight Kninja

    Knight Kninja Ancient
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    meh.. theres a few of you who sometimes get power-crazy (tex when he first got mod, i was actually glad for it cause people needed it, but some other people didnt). luckily you moderators and staff members and other colored named peoples have some sense when selecting loyals/staff members.

    There are some people who have been here a long time that could easily make loyal- if they acted all proper and such.

    such as....
    Whisper- he stands out most for me.. he has been here since i have, and he is a pretty good Graphic artist. also, he contributed to the community alot. nowadays, he is sort of cruel to newbies and just about everyone. also, he isnt as active.

    I congratulate the forgehub team nonetheless..
  10. Zendarrun

    Zendarrun Ancient
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    Painfully honest? Does that mean that if I say:
    "-insert name-is an ignorant asshole who has no friends or family and everybody hates him/her,"
    So that means that if he/she and others get offended because of this satement and I get infracted, or even banned, that I am being honest?

    There are some words for these "painfully honest people":
    and many more.

    If you want to be honest, try doing so without being an ass about it. It can help you not get infracted.

    An infraction doesn't make you less of a member, but it does help others form an opinion about you.

    Note: I am not flaming anyone here. Just to be clear.
  11. Reynbow

    Reynbow Ancient
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    No of course not, way to cover your ass though. Good job with that.
  12. Zendarrun

    Zendarrun Ancient
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    Yeah, i learned how and when to do that the hard way.
  13. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
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    You're one now, and you're a good example that they are not corrupt. Though you aren't the best example, you still deserve credit for not being a jerk that bases his infractions and bans on opinion.

    I believe there are people like that here, and should have their privileges taken away. There are some people who do so, but the majority of the staff and mods aren't like so. They are friendly and kind. Even when their friends have done something wrong, they will infract or ban them. I do have faith that this community staff/mods are good, but they could use some discipline.

    In conclusion, yes some of the mods are corrupt. I believe that we should pick our mods more carefully, and should not be picked by opinion, but rather statistics.
  14. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    The fact that you guys don't seem to get is that all of the mods (and indeed other staff) will clearly have different leniancy and tolerance towards infraction-worthy behavior. It's just your bad luck if you do something and get a warning, and someone else does it later in the day and gets away with it.

    Rules are rules. You break them, you risk infractions.

    Thats absurd.
  15. TexturedSun

    TexturedSun Ancient
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    To be honest, i feel this thread is turning into a slagging match between several parties.

    So, i'm going to lock with the opinion that the thread has run its course.

    Another mod/staff member/staff/Admin may unlock if they so wish.

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