Why you shouldn't be able to disable rep

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Warfang, Oct 12, 2008.

  1. Warfang

    Warfang Ancient
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    I think that you should not be able to disable your reputation. Too many times I have reached for the rep button and found that that user had disabled their rep. This completely undermines the rest of the rep system. If a user makes many bad posts, let it be know by having some red bars under their name. If one's bar is gray, how do you know if the user is a common bad poster or is secretly good? How will the poster know what other users think of the quality of their posts?
  2. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    My question to you is who cares? Do you really care what somebody has posted in the past, or what they are posting now and here? Do you care what people think of your opinions or what you think? Think about it.
    thesilencebroken and Shatakai like this.
  3. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    I don't really see the problem with it. I'm looking through my head right now, and literally can not think of a single time that I really based someone's post off of their reputation. If they have a disabled rep bar, then all the better. Now everyone can see their opinion with unbiased eyes. Rep is pointless. All it does is make some people feel left out and others feel superior for no legitimate reason. And, if you are interested in learning whether or not someone is a bad poster, then look at their post right then and there. Is it good? Bad? base your opinions on somebody by what you see of them, not the way others do.
  4. Psycho

    Psycho Ancient
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    Sometimes I want to give someone +rep and I can't either.
  5. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    So? Thank them in the same forum, or send them a private message. It gets the same effect across without having an elitist numeric value.
  6. DrawingMan

    DrawingMan Ancient
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    When someone has disabled there rep it still gives you the option to give them rep at the bottom. Least, thats what I have heard.
  7. Warfang

    Warfang Ancient
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    It actually does not. There is no rep button for that user if their reputation is disabled.
  8. DrawingMan

    DrawingMan Ancient
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    Are you sure? cause I have encountered alot of people with disabled rep but it still lets me rep them. Maybe its a just loyal thing i guess.
  9. Smeagle

    Smeagle Ancient
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    You can still rep disablers, after all I can rep Titmar. And, like LOCKdowN did, I could never tell if he had more rep than me. Not that it matters, but it would be unwise to do that because if someone's rep is disabled, I don't bother repping them because it doesn't seem to effect them. I don't have the urge to.
  10. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    This is what I am talking about. You don't feel like repping them, because is won't effect their quantity of rep, or atleast you won't physically see it. People should give rep in order to let people know that they approved of something, and to hopefully encourage them to continue doing it. Everyone here on FH needs to get over this, and finally realize that rep was implaced in order to let Hubbers express their opinions and ideas and get feedback on it, not try to do good things to make yourself look better.
  11. Warfang

    Warfang Ancient
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    Well I guess I was wrong about not being able to rep people who have disabled their rep. Either way, its completely pointless to, because the effects of this is only visible to them. If you rep someone, you really want other people to see that.
  12. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    You're not getting it. The point of rep is so that when someone posts a comment they can learn if someone took offense to it or wants them to continue posting like they are. I don't think the admins would have administered the visible bars, but people like to obsess over pointless things like that, and so it encourages people to do something if they can see the benefits/consequences of it immediately. I encourage everyone here to disable their rep, and check back to your User CP page often. But, instead of going back to see if you gained some rep, go back to it, and analyze what others think of you, reflect upon it, and apply it to all of your future posts in order to better yourself and how others view you.
  13. Warfang

    Warfang Ancient
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    I agree that is a reason, but having others see can mean a whole lot more. Rep can be a first impression- good or bad. Take you, Shitakai, for example. You make lots of good posts, so you deserve something to show that. If someone makes bad posts (i.e. Yomtvraps) we can all see that. Someone who's never seen any of the two examples before can have a good preivew of who they are seeing.
  14. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    But why should others decide for you whether or not someone makes "good" or "bad" posts. Someone may make good, valid, entertaining posts that many ForgeHubbers approve of. But, if one or two people with more rep (Which I also think is stupid. You know, how they give out like 50 times more rep) do not approve of that post, then said person will have negative rep.
    Now, anyone who sees the person from then on will see that they have negative rep, even though many people approved of their earlier post. But, now the poster has little to no chance to being taken seriously or getting payed attention to. Do you see what I'm saying here? The idea of rep is good, and in thoery it will make FH a closer community. But, with so many preconcieved notions going on based on someone's rep and the way we all recieved the point system, it is hard for someone who may not have known what they were doing at first to get noticed and become a part of the community.It sort of has a domino effect.
    I had bad rep at one point and never got any attention. In fact, I never got rep, period. A friend of mine saw one of my posts, and, while others skimmed over it due to my red bar, my friend payed close attention to it. He saw the good and validity in my post and +repped me. This gave me just enough to get green, and within the next week I had 2 bars while posting genuinely the same thing I had been posting.
    The point is, rep should be a great thing that can make people better at forming relationships and opinions, but due to the color of a little bar it will either earn someone favoritism or cast them aside to be a dust in the wind of this big World Wide Web. And, while some favoritism is definitely deserved, we should all maintain a professional and open view of posts and the people who post them.
  15. Warfang

    Warfang Ancient
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    Some may deem the amount of rep powerful members can deal unfair, but all in all, they've earned it. Yes, sometimes they may be corrupt, but thats what the Rep Customer Service thread is for.
  16. Mr. Moustache

    Mr. Moustache Ancient
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    Even if you have disabled your rep, you will still receive reputation. It only hides the users rep level.
  17. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    Do they deserve it? Look at alot of the people with the highest rep. A good deal of them do nothing more than make funny posts that people get a cheap laugh out of. Take Dragoncoals for instance. Does he do anything exceptionally helpful for the members of the site? I honestly can't recall a single time in my mind where he was helpful to someone. He may have at one point, but lately his behavior is defintely not +rep worthy. I'm not hating on him, because someone people just don't want or have the time to help people out alot of the times. However, he has just as much rep as some of the most helpful members on the site. Sure, customer service is there to help, but honestly, when you joined, did you look in customer service? would you have reported someone with 10 bars of rep? I can say I wouldn't, because I would assume that they know what they are doing, and that I don't. This comes into the part where I talked about newer members not being able to get a word in edgewise. It's fine when the helpful, responsible members have more power in the rep system, because they can be help accountable on the fact that they should know the proper time to issue rep. But, when someone who is irresponsible and uncontrollable has that much power at their disposal, they won't end up using it for the most desirable ways.

    Sorry, I keep telling myself eveytime that I won't make this post so long, but I just keep typing and typing til I get my point across, lol.

    Also, I do not in anyway dislike or have any hostility towards Dragoncoals. He is a very well known member with alot of rep power, and so I used him as an example.

    That's what I'm saying. Disabling rep has the benefits of letting you learn from your mistakes and takes away the unfairness of being judged by people who don't even know you.
  18. Vinny

    Vinny Ancient
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    I'm warned most of the time, so I can't rep anyway.
  19. Raw King07

    Raw King07 Ancient
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    Who cares? Obviously people like me don't and just disable rep because it's just another stupid popularity meter. Half the time people give out rep because they like the person, not their post. No one really cares about someone else's rep either, I don't look at you and say "Oh man! He's got 6 rep bars, he must be so helpful!" Just settle down and post some more.
  20. JJ3672

    JJ3672 Ancient
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    Rep is like ***** size.

    The majority of people are obsessed with it. They will go to unnecessary lengths just to increase it. They constantly compare theirs to that of others around them.

    The two are pretty much alike in every aspect.

    'Cept you can't easily disable your *****...
    Ak Gumby likes this.

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