K, so last night I went to this party at my neighbors house. There were like 10 guys and 4 girls there. So we had a fun time even though when two of the girls were fighting they broke my controller which my friend told me to bring over. I was kinda pissed... ANYWAYS! So later that night we were playing halo with the remaining 3 controllers and I'm like hey wanna flip the elephant? And he says... you can flip an elephant? And I just loled so hard. So I showed him how to do it and he's just like OMFGTHISRTEHBESTGLITCHEVARZ!!!! BTW he doesn't have live. Also his computer sucks so hard because all of teh Pronz he watched on it. Also it's made by some company I've never heard of so ya... some bad brand I guess. So he just plays local all the time. His best forge creation was an infection variant called Mount Crumpet. There was a rocket, sniper, sentinel, and like BR on sandtrap and the zombies had to kill the people at the top. Ya I'm not a great sniper and I owned everyone. So ya. It was a sick night.
I lol'd. Thanks. So tell me, what is this thread for exactly other than bad grammar? Are you trying to say you got layed after the party?
hez tryingz to say about hiz awezome night, then he got laid. but anyway, i agree, life without live would suck. without live id have to go shopping with my girlfriend.