This is possibly my best forge map under a map genre of my own which is much like MLG but breaks some rules for the better of the map that I call Hardcore Deviations or Havoc Design. The map is a basically a spartan tournament arena where you can play multiple game types, will work best with MLG game types. Features Hardcore Slayer, Multi Flag, Territories, KOTH, and Oddball. This map contains a few Frags and Plasmas, a multitude of Battler Rifles, Two Sniper Rifles one on each Sniper Balcony, One Rocket Launcher on the tower, one mauler on the crate platform, and two regenerators. A great innovational thing about my maps is that I installed a great device I would like to call: SUPERBOUNCES! Yes sort of like in Halo 2 you can spring jump to the tower that only has one physical way up to where the rocket launcher rests on the top. There are three superbounces on H.D. Cyclone which can be spotted by a blue rift which is a mancannon run-off. When you throw down a regenerator on the blue mancannon rift and jump into it towards the tower you will be sprung to the top. This map was made smooth, interesting, and for great gameplay. The H.D. also stands for my trademark of Havoc Design. Feel free to message me about this map. Click Here to Download H.D. Cyclone
This map looks awsome. I like the box floors and interlocking. Great job, I will test and rate. Though, from the looks it looks like a 9.5/10. Awsome job!
I think it looks kinda funny how you have the crates held down by weapon holders. Cool map, i like that you tried to bring back the super bounce of Halo 2.
This map is awesome 10/10! I love how you recreated superbounces in your own way. I spent tons of time playing around superbounces on Halo 2. I also liked the sniper balcony and the strange crate platform is pretty interesting too.
looks to have nice flow, epic interlocks very nice and neat rampy feel to it mabey fix the two double wall bridges and show pics of hte spring jump, explaining in more detail how it works
Hey i remember you asked me if you should post this map on forgehub, and you did! good for you! what i really like was the box platforms and i see you took sweeny and my suggestions by removing the floating walls, nice!
Wow, Amazing, the aesthetics are awesome, the interlocking looks perfect. I'll get back to you after I download and play it.
looks amazing with inlerlocking a bit the first pic does the pallett lead under it or just there?The idea with the cover is the same for every area.but it looks give it 7.5
The idea of superbounces is insanely innovative. I think i'll use this for one of my maps. 9/10 for gameplay also