Foxtrot v5 a map that can be played on any gametype and is best with 2v2 or 4v4 Team Slayer. Made by me -TThe MostWanted- Link : Halo 3 File Details & Download Screenshots : Click Here Note : Sorry i didnt put the screen's up right away I kinda messed it up and couldnt add pictures onto this thread but there is a direct link back to of them again sorry everyone. -MW- Special thanks to R0FLC0PT0Rz for helping me get set up here. -MW-
Welcome to Forge Hub, but only post a map when the pictures are ready. *No more posts about helping k
if you wish to post a map on FH you must embed the pictures right away otherwise whats the point in posting. oh and welcome to Forge Hub. follow this guide for proper embedding EDIT: i realize the guide isnt the greatest (i found a better one before) but it may help
Oh sorry i just came here about 10 minutes ago but i will have pictures up in about 5 minutes i'll make sure to have them ready first next time tho. -MW-
Welcome to FH please only post maps that are complete before you post them Also please add to the description a little bit
Ok you're almost there. When you post your map you have to embed your pictures which means you gotta make it so that we can see the screenshots without clicking anything. You can do this by saving screenshots from your Account to your computor. Then making an account on photobucket, uploading your screenshots to photobucket and then taking the url they give you after uploading it and posting it on your thread like this urlofsite [/url] Here are your screenshots just quote me [IMG] ok so next time embed the pictures ;D
Um, I don't know a time Glitch but Im not very savvy of popular forgers, but I posted your pics for you, just quote me k? and put a description.
Your welcome, its just what I do, *walks off into the sunset*, as for rating your map, it could use some interlocking and you should try lining up your object, but the design is nice.
Yeah i made it back around X-Mas if you wanna give me some tips it would help im on live right now Gamertag : TThe MostWanted. -MW-
the guy that does nightfall and long road home? yeah most people know about him but now to the subject of your map, turn the bridges upside down so the look neater, and then interlock them slightly into the boxes by them, i hate to say it but... needs more interlocking. i f you dont know how to heres the link to forging 101 wich well teach you how to do neat tricks to make your maps better Forging 101 - Forge Hub Halo Forums
Looks like an aright map. Some more interlocking and interesting features would improve the map. Also I think I've seen Time Glitch around here, but he usually hangs out with Flem Productions.
He runs flem productions lol but yeah im working on V6 and i've been friends with TheLintendo AKA Lintendo 64 and Time Glitch and alot of people from Forge Hub but this is my first time using it i never got into it till now and i like it. -MW- Im not sure but i think i played with the creator of the site around november. He didnt talk much and i played with him for 2 days tops. -MW-
dont double post also it looks pretty good but needs interlocking and be cleaner take more time on your map before posting remember thousands may see it but still 3/5
Wow, this map looks amazingly good for a non-interlocked map. I like the little ledges where the power ups are. The map looks really nice.
Thanks im glad to get some good reply im working on v6 i know alot more in forge so it should be good. -MW-
Thanks to all the people who have helped me so far but if you want to come help edit or give me tips hit me up on live -TThe MostWanted- -MW-
This map is good but i think you should make the huge wall you have there out of WALLS so that it's roomer and looks better, and flip the bridges. Try making some bunkers to the sides where the middle point is so theres an epic battle there.