Just happend to find this when watching a video of a game on The Pit. Edit: Maybe I got the embedding right. Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details
1/5, not funny, I don't quite get it You also need to learn out to embed your own pictures, It's not guitar's job to post pictures for you, and you are likely to get flamed by someone like E93 this thread should help you
I get this it like hes getting up hungover/falling down drunk I think its amusing a looks as if it happen by accident so good job May I suggest adding a secong pic with booze/alka selzter photoshopped in
Okay, will do. Thanks to eguitarplaya33 though for embedding the picture. Sorry for the inconvineince guitar.
while i understand where your coming from with the title and all it almost looks like he's trying to get up rather rather than be passed out. good take though, especially with the red spartan in the background. 3/5
Thanks for the C&C guys. Looks like some of you thought it was funny and others didn't, I understand that.