Cops Say Woman Stole $42,000 Ring, Sold It For $140 A 19-year-old Wisconsin cleaning woman has been charged with stealing a $42,000 diamond ring from a client's home in the village of Oconomowoc Lake and selling it to a jewelry store for $140. The theft was reported Aug. 12, Oconomowoc Lake Police Chief Don Wiemer said. The ring, a family heirloom, has diamonds in a platinum setting. Under questioning by police, Jennifer Douglas confessed to the crime, and admitted that she had sold the ring to the Brookfield jewelry store. Police recovered the ring the day before the store was going to sell it or have it refashioned elsewhere, Wiemer said.
retard,stealing an expensive ring(stupid) and not even selling it for profit(stupider) stupid+stupider=stupidest
lol, reminds me of a time where this clerk at a local music store sold a signed guitar to someone for tag price.
I wouldn't say retarded, she was able to steal a ring. If she had that ability then she isn't that stupid.
Not retarted - just very dim lol. It's not clear how she stole the ring from your post, Racoon but her job is either a cleaner that worked specifically in that house and knew where the ring was OR she just works as a cleaner and just stole the ring as the sterotypical thief would. (Having no connection with the house, I mean.) If that makes sense of course. I don't get while she didn't have it valued first?!
Wow, she fails. She didn't even notice diamonds? You don't need to have it valued if there are diamonds, just charge a fortune.