The year is 2553 scientists were creating a new species of humans untill something went wrong, the genetic mutation of these test subjects has caused them to become Zombies. Fight them till you reach the end. Best for 6 - 12 players Human Spawn - Zombies come from ceiling and then through shield door. Zombie Spawn View from Zombie's Shield door: Human shooting zombie with BR: Door Opens and reach next hallway: Ammunition in hallway: Zombie getting owned in 2nd hallway: Crates Spawn: 3rd Hallway to next teleporter: Next hallway and someone just got owned: Hallway View:... Shield door for zombies: Final Standoff till time runs out!: Map Variant Lab Tunnel : : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details Game Variant: Space 2557 : : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details Have fun! =]]
Pics are broken: You can't directly link from Bungie. All posts about pics after this will be reported.
I know you want to add pics to your post but you can't copy and post pics from Bungie.This is what you have to do: 1.Download Hi-Res screenshots from Bungie (the + symbol) and save in a file. 2.Create a Photobucket account and upload your pics to Photobucket (desired size) 3.Copy and paste the Direct Code for each picture and paste it into the button with the yellow background and the mountain. 4.Your pics should appear - hope this works. EDIT: Ganye, you have no right to report other posts if you haven't posted help on how to upload images for him either. He obviously didn't know. Plus Chilli's, (below this) works too.
they need to be embedded, heres how. first, on bungie, save the screenshots to your computer. then create a account, its free. on photobucket, go to your album, and click upload files. choose all of the pics you wish to upload from where you saved them on your computer. once the pics are in you album, click on them . on the bottom right, there should be a box that says link img code. click on the bottom one that says IMG code, it should say copied. go to your post on forgehub, and paste where you want the pic to be. let me know if you need any more help. EDIT: hazza beat me to it(it took a while to type that for some reason), maybe mine still helps
from the very brief description it seems as if there is a tunnel and different ways to get in at certain points. very basic and seems like a rip off of another ambush on security tunnel neermind thepics are up but it seems i was right. also it looks really easy to finish and camp.2/5
Right, I'm glad the pics are up. I see this as a very typical zombie map and sorry to say, it doesn't stand out that much. The long corridors with a bit of cover is all too common now days and it just doesn't stand out. I do like the sheild door drop feature though I suggest that if you are going to make a V2 for this map, you could interlock the walls to make it look better (see Forging 101) and add an aspect to the map that sets it out from the crowd. Good luck with that and I'll look forward too seeing improved maps from you!
Wow, long camping filled halls.... what does this remind you of? Genaric Fat Kid Remakes, Slightly differed from the "Norm"
LA Moon3Y U that behavior is not accepted here the mods will tear your organs out.We dont type about each others maps like that.We use constructive criticism.This map actually looks awesome to me.I give it a 5/5
I dislike the idea of the map being just a group of tunnels that humans camp you should still have plenty of items to exspand your map its to simple right now for a infection game and its onesided and not very fair to the zombies.
this map sounds and looks just like this other map called space freighter. heres the link: so the idea is the same and you even have those crates that appear just as in space freighter. follow the link and youll see what i meen. you defend a point, wait for the door to open, then retreat and defend the next point while the zombies basicly attack in waves.
I know because Blueberry and Gizmo gave me the idea and said I could make a space freighter type map.
this seems to be repeated a lot but the touch of the sheild door is nice addition . also it would be better to give the zombies something like camoflouge to give them a edge
my friend and i never get tired playing maps like this. usually we attempt to get a sword spree before the end of the game, but we fail most of the time. Back to the map: if the weapons on the map spawn, change it to never spawning. Nobody likes to spend their whole time as zombie getting killed over and over by a 3 and a half year old. If they dont spawn, awesome map!