Blimpy made by corey0x0in this map you hurry and hide up and the blimps while zombies shoot brute shots at you. it is reall fun with alot of people so get a full partie and try are some pictures zombie spawn human spawn use the blimp to get to secret area , to use the blimp throw a deployable cover,then throw a gravity lift!!! hope you enjoy it get ready for my next map called Creek Bed download map here download game type here thankyou and happy forging
well nice idea and tho it is a bit open for infection and not enough pics and seems messy dont rate your own post
this is simply a sloppy remake of se saws. just to make it worse you voted your own map 5 stars and voted your poll great, thats low. dont ever do that again, you just get worse reputation as a FH mapmaker when you vote your own map to make it look good. P.S.S. something that doesnt go against you is that everyone posting has no cluce abou the map because they dont read. next time try making something original.
What? This is very open for infection, and the map doesn't have much to it, but then again, you can't forge much Rat's Nest. I give it 1/5.
There is aready a map like this called the see saws as previuosly mentioned.Unfortunately for your map see saws is a lot better ther isn't really enough actual forging on this map and while is always say the simple is best and less is more in this case less is less However kudos for not being a foundry addict and for trying something at least a little different I'm sure that its fun but it has been done before and been done better Better luck next time WATCH IT MATE Try to be clearer what is confusing you? what don't you get? what do you think it is?
Am i right in thinking that you have to go into the boxes and throw a grav-lift. Thus making the box fly like a blimp? If so, good idea. I'll see what it's like and get back to you.
ok i think this is what you do theres a glitch were you throw a grav lift and then a deployable cover and the box flies around, good idea but its just not possible theres 2 scenarios that can happen,1 zombie comes with brut shot zombie shoots box, box flips your dead, our 2 you get to top area your safe game over for zombies not that exciting but it was a good idea 2/5 for originality