Wow Guys. I don't think and Forge Hub is going to last much longer until the trolls/fags start pouring in everything is lost and pointless. Dragon made this site. He coded it. He started it. He owns the domain. TDF and his buddies decided to replace him with TWINKEY/twilkey (Emphasis on twinkey). The site is worth $6000. He technically owns all that money. No one paid him for what he did. Seriously WTF.
why would they try and kick him out.. he made this site. bottom of FH for forgehub Oh, and SniperTofu is correct at the price. There's a site called that estimates the approximate value of a site. for Well, we'll miss you Dragoncoals. But why can't he stay? Please, make him an admin again.
Not that I hat Twilkey, but Dragon made this site, he should definatly be an admin... I'm not sure it was TDF's decision, though. I would like an admin's story on this. HOLY CRAP AT BUNGIE COST: $8,787,000!!! I don't think it is, but you need to calm down Sniper... jeez. Never insult project!!!
I don't understand your reasoning. He is just venting... I agree with the situation (that it is ridicolous!)
I fully agree with what he is saying, but I will not tolerate slurs against any group of people "fags" is a homosexual slur, and I find that inappropriate.
Who cares? Stop arguing. I agree with project, Don't use innapropriate language. But I agree with Sniper, this is Dragon's site!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Forge Hub was created by TRUEDARKFUSION. It was a wordpress blog. Dragon came along and wanted to give us a site. He told us he worked for a hosting company and got a big discount, he bought a 10$ domain. The forums were technically created by TDF, Dragon, and myself. I didn't get any credit for it, but I was a big part of the early stages. You wouldn't have half of these popular forums is it wasn't for me. Dragon did not code this. SMF is free to download...the stuff dragon did could have been learned from any tutorial site or person. Everything is not as it seems. The site did not go down for the reasons you think it did. There is a lot of back story your missing. Twilkey is admin because he is doing our FTP work along with Dan. He was brought on because of his success with GTV and his ability to navigate ftp. He has proven himself more than useful on several occasions, just for the two days we've had forge hub back up. You be damn grateful for whats been given to you. Sniper, for your conduct in this thread it will be locked and you will be warned for 2 days. Do NOT flame other members. Edit: I am paying for the site. Truedark created it. Dragon was a huge influence, but sometimes you have to know when to step down...or keep information to yourself... Forge Hub will always thank Dragon for the time and money he invested. It won't soon be forgotten. Dragon can still redeem himself and your not helping. -To clear things up further, Dragon is not act like we banned him. Staff is essentially the same thing. He can't do a grand total of TWO things an admin can do.