It's getting around the time of the year again, not to mention Black Friday is approaching. What exactly do you want Santa to drop? 1. Macbook 2. Sidekick 2008/LX Tony Hawk Edition 3. $2000 4. K850i 5. 360 (Falcon Motherboard) blah blah. you get the story. diskus.
Lots of cash! So i can go buy things for myself Relations are not very good when it comes to getting value for money lol.
A decent size Flat Panel Tv. A working 360 controller. Some of the new releases that I don't currently have money for (I.E. Gears of War, Dead Space, Fable 2, Far Cry 2, etc...), and some new clothes. Hopefully by then my computer will off and die so I can get it replaced and also get a portable hard drive for all my graphics and important documents. That's about it. Nothing much.
HAHAHAHHAHAHHAHHAH I haz teh LX Not the Tony hawk one though.What is so special about it that everyone is having orgasms about it?
Is your last name Gates? cuse if not I have a small feeling you shall be disapointed I want Fallout 3 Gears 2 Clothing Fable 2 and moniez, cause you need moniez to buy a car and I would love either an ipod touch or a gaming computer/laptop
Fifa 09, maybe Cod5, a new phone (probably a chocolate, I have a first gen enV and HATE it)... Idk... maybe something else...
I dunno, I'm pretty miserly, so I'm not up on spending my money - so I never think about what I want. I usually just ask for Gift Cards or Money like a tool, and let my parents make a guess about something else.
iPhone's are way overrated IMO... I'd rather have a chocolate... Especially since Verizon >>>>>> AT&T LOL...
Well, I would say probably a PS3, or a laptop, not too much in terms of games that I will be wanting.
Are you kidding? Verizon is the most horrid company out of all of them. Just to explain why I think this, I had Verizon internet for a short time period, maybe 2 months, and those two months I had horrible service, mistakes on my bills, slow internet for like 60 bucks, and then they charged me 120 dollars just to disconnect the stupid thing because THEY we're giving ME bad service and screwing up my bill and making me pay more. Needless to say, it's been about 8 months and they haven't gotten their money yet. Lets not forget to mention that my wife had their Razor cellphone and the reception sucked balls. I now have AT&T and it is absolutely the greatest. I have their phone, internet and television services and they run great. Also, instead of paying 60 bucks for slow internet, I pay 35 for fast internet. Anyways, I like AT&T much more than any company I've been with.
I have to agree with you, my service is terrible pretty much anywhere, and half the time my texts don't get sent.
1. Macbook (prolly with my own finances though) 2. iTouch (others' finances) 3. Clothes 4. Terrabyte or other external memory device 5. New things for mah car 6. Dr. Pepper
If you wish for a girlfriend for Christmas, that relationship won't last long. Anyway, why would you wish for that?