Tug of War

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by LeafyOwNu2, Oct 12, 2008.

  1. LeafyOwNu2

    LeafyOwNu2 Ancient
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    More Images

    Birds Eye View of the playing field.

    Gate Closed.

    Gate Open.

    Other Notes

    • You do not need to walk directly on the territory base to capture it. The capture zone stretches the entire width of the playing field.
    • The gate will open after a minute and a half automatically if the other team decides to not grab their switch.
    Comments and Suggestions are welcome.
    Psycho and Playerhata27 like this.
  2. Crusadermike

    Crusadermike Ancient
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    this whole thing seems to be pretty ingenious and really fun! nice ideas nice effort and i hope people like it! :D
  3. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    Wow I didnt expect this when I saw the name "tug of war"
    This is one of the best posts I have seen in a long time, I can see that it took longer to set the post up then it did to make the map.
    Also the originality of this map is excellent and its so professionally set up
    Good Job
  4. LeafyOwNu2

    LeafyOwNu2 Ancient
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    Actually the post only too me a total of 30 minutes to make, upload, and write. The map however took me close to 3 days. But that includes testings and also bug fixes.
  5. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    really nice post. it seems like a nice idea. i have seen tug of war type games before, but none executed like this. one question, how long does it take to capture a territory? because those are so close.
    the gameplay concerns me a bit, because since you just have two square rooms, it seems the other team would spawn right in front of you when you are capturing their territories, making it easy to spawn kill if you were playing with rockets, hammers, swords, or most weapons.
  6. Kitten X

    Kitten X Ancient
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    This is truely originality at it's peak.
    However, there are too many "action" screenshots, and not enough overview shots.

    Overall this map deserves a hapy face and a 4/5.
  7. Resix

    Resix Ancient
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    wow this is very original i really like the idea. one question cant one team just stay on there side without activating their switch? thats the only exploit i can see wit the map so good job *hands over cookie*
  8. LeafyOwNu2

    LeafyOwNu2 Ancient
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    The territories capture instantly. Pretty much the overview screenshots I have shown are all there is. Its just 2 rooms, you only have the weapons you start out with (you die before you use up all your ammo). There is only a gate and the territories on the map.

    This is more of a fast paced action packed game. Also, if the other team has rockets, that means you have them too, so you can easily kill them before they kill you. Spawn killing really isn't that much of a problem. Ive tested this game at least 30 times and I never really saw spawn killing as a problem.


    Other Notes

    • You do not need to walk directly on the territory base to capture it. The capture zone stretches the entire width of the playing field.
    • The gate will open after a minute and a half automatically if the other team decides to not grab their switch.
  9. Okage4

    Okage4 Ancient
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    Wow, I swear to god, I was thinking about doing something like this last week, except on Avalanche.......just for the ingenious-ness of it, 5/5 =D
  10. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    meh looks alright
    i can see that this is more of a fun map but it still looks empty, add shield doors or somthing to reduce spawn killing for rockets and other projectiles.
    the inter locking on the walls and gate look good
    i guess the only thing wrong with this is the player limit, oh well we cant all be perfect
    4/5 for inginiousness
  11. hitman slayer33

    hitman slayer33 Ancient
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    i like how the description has like the picture backgrounds and stuff. looks like a good map. original from what maps ive seen. 5/5 and a dl
  12. TaruBard48

    TaruBard48 Ancient
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    Originality above peak height
    Such creative Ideas are really appreciated
    The post, as I can see, Is very detailed and time was taken upon.
  13. LeafyOwNu2

    LeafyOwNu2 Ancient
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    To the person who said the map was empty.

    There really isn't anything else to put on it... I'm open to suggestions, however I tried to keep the map simple to make it more fun to play.
  14. redeyesmaster

    redeyesmaster Ancient
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    O.O .........................................I love you. THIS MAP ROCKS!!! is this your own map you made? i've never seen a good teritories map! but all i can say is WOW!!! this is so good. i cant believe you made a really good map to represent tug of war. but wow if you get any really good ideas other then this PLEASE let me know ill down load and rate i was just playing it and wow it is even better then i thought but thanks for your time and hard work!!!!!!

  15. LeafyOwNu2

    LeafyOwNu2 Ancient
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    Yeah, this is my own map. I did get the idea for the gate from someone else though, but I figured out how to make it on my own. (I saw a working version and just looked at how it worked.)

    I do know other people are using the gate in their maps, but I don't think they post them here.

    Also, your welcome. I had the idea one night while laying in bed and just wrote down the general idea and went from there.

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