Debate Are the Forgehub Staff "Corrupt"

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Linubidix, Oct 10, 2008.

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  1. Mastar

    Mastar Ancient
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    Its only swearing if it's without reason/they don't deserve swearing at.

    You guys are a little off topic.

    Personally, I think the staff are fine. They are just doing their jobs and very well I might add.

    There aren't that many mods considering the huge number of members FH has. The staff manage to stay on top of the spam and idiotic immature members pretty well.
    #41 Mastar, Oct 11, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2008
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  2. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    K so first: yomtvraps, the only reason you haven't been permabanned is because you give most people a laugh. Sad to say you yourself get your kicks out of being an asshole and having people hate you on an internet forum, but to each his own

    Second: That guy that was arguing about no one caring about his map (I forget his name cuz I don't care about him). He double posted like five times, can't that be five infractions and thus a ban?

    Third: Actually on topic:

    Maps aside, I won't even comment on that because I think it's more a matter of peoples opinions differing rather than any "corrupt" members.

    I will say this though, I have noticed on a few occasions that certain members of the staff play favorites. This is just general bias that humans have. You pick up for your buddies, and beat down your enemies. The more professional ones try to even things out as much as possible, while the rest..yeah. This is fine, they aren't professionals so whatever. The only problem I have with this is that certain people are allowed to get away with things that others wouldn't

    Example: yomtvraps does ANYTHING slightly worthy of infraction/neg rep/etc, hes going to get it. Do I care? No.

    Now someone whos more liked, has a lot of rep, etc does the exact same thing, especially if they are friends with the mod dealing the situation, they are likely to get away with it.

    tl;dr (not really, whatever): I have less of a problem (not really a problem at all) with the mods helping out their buddies, and more of a problem with the ass kissing regular members trying to worm their way into comfortable positions. I think we can all think of a few of these people. This isn't highschool, we are varying ages, don't form cliques.
  3. Vengeful C

    Vengeful C Ancient
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    The flow of this thread is way off. I personally have no right to believe that the mods are corrupt. Some are a little quick with the infracting though. Honestly, I dont believe I have ever gotten a warning. Even when I was new to the site. But thats done and over and the world will move on.
  4. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    If you'll notice
    The last five featured maps were made by non-coloured members or forgehub.

    Senior Member

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    this thread has been spammed to all hell. closed. and good riddance.
  6. Klink258

    Klink258 Ancient
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    To answer your questions, this was only closed so we could get a handle on the spam.
    This debate is still open, but first please remember to read the rules.
    I believe the staff is not corrupt. Most people who complain about "trigger-happy infraction mods" are either:
    1. Spammers
    2. People who were wrongly infracted once and went crazy (it happens, just send a message!)
    I may be biased, but remember- every single staff member here was a regular member before they were staff (excluding Nitrous et al. , of course.)

    And if you get an infraction for messing up, so what? Don't mess up anymore, and nothing will happen. No regular user will ever know that you ever got an infraction.
  7. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    I don't think the focus is on the frequency of staff having their maps featured, but more towards the fact that every staff member get their map featured. Then again, I have no complaint. They're never just thrown together quickly and posted just to get out of the way. The creators take weeks figuring out the correct weapon balance and gameplay. So of course they're going to get featured for a perfect map.
    ...Care to elaborate?
  8. Psycho

    Psycho Ancient
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    Sure they feature a lot of their own maps, but as Linu said:
    The truth is, the colored members make awesome maps and deserve the features.

    A lot of people say that the staff suck and stuff, but imagine how terrible this place would be without them. This site would be spammed to hell. I'm glad we have good mods and staff.
    #48 Psycho, Oct 11, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2008
  9. Klink258

    Klink258 Ancient
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    A lot of the staff was originally made from the "Guilders-" people who submitted applications with maps.
    Why do people think staff get instant-features? Because as staff, we're so close-knit that we can see when one for us releases a map, or we're involved with testing, etc. so we get a better opportunity to see the map up close and decide on a feature.
    That doesn't mean it always gets featured, though. It's no different from a staff member being close friends with a normal member and having that member's map get featured for the same reason.
    #49 Klink258, Oct 11, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2008
  10. Mastar

    Mastar Ancient
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    The ForgeHub staff are great.

    Would y'all like it if FH turned out like That place is just anarchy, extreme spam, endless cross advertising etc etc.

    I only go there to get links for my maps. I couldn't bear it if ForgeHub ended up like that. Thank Chuck Norris it hasn't. forums are a horrible horrible place D;
  11. Hazza

    Hazza Ancient
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    I meant for the staff only though - hope you get what I meant.
    Corrupt on this site is what I should have said.

    Anyway, the staff here definately aren't corrupt. They just do their job and do it well I must add. A lot more non-coloured or staff maps are getting featured now so there isn't any real need to complain. Needless to say, maps created by staff and coloured members are worthy of a feature a lot of the times, they work hard on it and try to perfect their maps in every way.
  12. Vinny

    Vinny Ancient
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    I think all the staff take their ****ing jobs too seriously.

    It's an internet forum, chill out you ****ing tools. It's a joke, you don't have to go all "OMGNOMMMM (which isn't funny, nothing about omnom is, in fact none of those jokes are) he's flaming!"

    They're taking it too seriously, when they need to just chill out.
  13. yomtvraps

    yomtvraps Ancient
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    I no longer believe the staff are corrupt. The main reason is, because I'm finally unwarned. However is there any actual evidence that could support why they are corrupt.
    I think a really good example of why they aren't corrupt is Dragoncoals got banned. Even if it was for only a day it did happen.
    Nemi broughtup agood point earlier:
    I think if anyone reads this and thinks the mods are corrupt will have their minds changed.
  14. stin10

    stin10 Ancient
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    i think dragon coals shouldn't be staff, or loyal especially. how many staff are warned? all he does is post random dumb threads and groups about nothing, and if he wasn't a staff he would have been banned a while ago. arn't loyals supposed to be helpful and not spam. cause thats all he does
  15. Vinny

    Vinny Ancient
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    He used to own this site. Then he sold it.

    That's why he can do whatever he wants.
  16. Mallet

    Mallet Ancient

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    Surely dragoncoals is a good example of how nobody can do whatever the **** they want. He used to own the site, but his behaviour took a nose dive and although pretty all the staff do like him, we were forced to demote him. He gets warned and he gets banned just like any member does.
  17. Vinny

    Vinny Ancient
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    There is no doubt, that Dragoncoals has much more freedom than a member such as me.
  18. Reynbow

    Reynbow Ancient
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    To be honest, who cares anyway...?
  19. Vinny

    Vinny Ancient
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    No one really. I'm just contributing to the thread.

    razin da post count
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  20. QKT

    QKT Ancient
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    yes and no
    once loyal, its always an upward path
    cos they can access the pub, staff notice them more and are more likely to promote them. leaving the rest of us to die in the cold go on unnoticed
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