Jack In. Load Up. Hang On. Hello, Forge Hub Community. My name is Jester, and today I am sharing with you my Halo 3 adaption of the best movie ever. The idea for a Matrix map has been bouncing around in my head for quite a while. I had so many ideas, and so much that I wanted to accomplish, that I was forced to narrow down my ideas. I focused on three main things: Aesthetics: It has got to look like the Matrix. I settled on a few iconic buildings from the first Matrix film. These are the "Heart o' the City Hotel", the rooftop seen at the opening of the film, and the "Lobby Shootout" building. I attempted to make each building as true to the original as possible. I feel I did an excellent job. Gameplay: This map is modeled after the first Matrix movie, so it is based on the "flight" method rather than the "fight" one. I wanted to make player feel like they were in Neo's shoes during the chase scene at the end of the film. For this reason, the gameplay is designed to encourage chases, and discourage fighting. No Honor Rules: It was vital to avoid any honor rules when playing the map. That means the map must be unbreakable, no personal limitations must be placed upon players, and there are no exploits. I built the map to these specifications, and therefore no honor rules are required to play "The Matrix". Gametype: The Matrix Jack in. Load up. Hang on. I imagine that right now, you're feeling a bit like Alice. Hmm? Tumbling down the rabbit hole? -Morpheus Base players start as Hackers. Hackers have the following attributes: 200% health, no shields Normal movement and gravity Magnum starting weapon, limited ammunititon 10m enhanced radar The Hackers are fast, can jump high, do normal damage, and have more health than usual. They can be informed by their operator as to the location of nearby enemies (10m enhanced radar). The Hackers are meant to be tough enough to escape enemies, but not strong enough to take them on head on. You see an Agent; you do what we do. You run. You run your ass off. -Cypher The Alpha Zombie starts the round as an Agent. The Agent has the following attributes: 500% health, no shields Normal movement and gravity Magnum start, infinite ammo, weapon pickup disabled Forced color: black 75m normal radar The Agent can move just like a hacker, but is must stronger. Any Hacker that confronts an Agent alone will be killed. Through combined fire, it is possible to kill an Agent, but they will only come back. It is much more effective to run. Very fast. You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it. -Morpheus Players who are killed by the Agent come back as Police officers. The Police attributes are: 75% health, no shields 90% movement speed, 150% gravity Magnum start, 75% damage, limited ammo, weapon pickup enabled Forced color: blue No radar The Police are weak compared to the Hackers. They can be killed easily and can be outrun without breaking a sweat. However, they are not to be underestimated. Because they can pick up weapons, Police can become quite dangerous indeed. If a Police officer puts a sniper round through your skull, you're just as dead as if an Agent broke your neck. Mr. Wizard! Get me the hell outa here! -Neo The Last Man Standing becomes Neo. Neo's attributes are identical to the Hackers except for: 300% health 125% movement speed, 75% gravity 150% damage Forced color: black, waypoint visible to everyone Please note that Neo is not the One yet: right now he's just a scared Hacker running for his life. His new attributes give him an advantage, but he must still stay on his toes if he is to survive. One last thing: There is a custom powerup placed on the map. It is on a 10 sec respawn and gives the user 3 seconds of 50% gravity. This is placed to replicated Trinity's epic jump of faith at the opening of the film. Map: Hard Line Remember: There is no spoon. The map is divided into five distinct areas. 1) Heart o' the City Hotel This hotel is iconic of the Matrix, as it is the setting where the movie both begins and ends. In the map, it is a two story structure full of narrow hallways and small rooms. A fence enclosed staircase runs up one side, while the fire escape provides a way up from the other. There is an opening on the second story that allows people to exit to the adjacent roof, and for users of the custom powerup to enter from mid-air. A Hacker flees from the Agent through the narrow halls. A Hacker uses the fire escape to access the second story. In hot pursuit. 2) The rooftop The roof of the Police station is accessible from the Heart o' the City Hotel, the streets, and the Lobby Shootout building. Here, one can find the custom powerup which allows easy access to the Hotel. An epic slow-mo jump. An Agent beats up one of the Hackers on the rooftop. 3) The Lobby Shootout building Another icon in the Matrix film, this office building is the site of both the lobby shootout and the helicopter rescue. The lower level contains the pillared lobby, while the upper lever showcases a helicopter, complete with chain gun. A mancannon lift connects the two. A Hacker flees into the lobby. An Agent faces the whithering fire of the helicopter. 4) The fruit market Although not as well known as the previous three areas, the fruit market forms the perfect backdrop for Neo's final flight. Its wide open area gives any runners a heads up if any enemies are heading their way. The Agent lays down the law. *****. A Police officer takes out a Hacker using a BR. 5) The sewers My own invention, the sewer system connects all four allyways through the use of 2-way teleporter nodes. The sewers offer a quick escape route, as well as a Shotgun, if one can find it. Neo flees from the Agent through the sewers. Now make your choice: You take the blue pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill - you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes. *Intuition for dummies: The link is the picture* THE MAP IS IN SLOT 1, CALLED "Hard Line".
Awsome idea. I love the heli and the buildings. It reminds me a lot of the Matrix. llolz. I want download and test. I rate 5/5.
Looks really good, I will download. It looks complex and you must have taken a long time to make it. 5/5
I like the water tunned you have in this map it makes this map look unique Also the map is very complex which should help gameplay because of how enclosed it is. Good Job with this map Im glad it revolves around a certain topic Edit: This is spam please add a little more
ROFL ROFL ROFL, I <3 the links, a picture the red takes you to DL, the other to the Viagra website. GENIUS. As amazing as the map itself. 5/5 EDIT: Is the map "Hard Line" on your fileshare supposed to be "The Matrix"? Oh well, i will dl it anyway.
I'd DL it if there was a link :/ Sorry, I just wanna DL this map so bad. It looks really good. I love the helicopter and the sewers. This map could actually work well if the agent was laggy. Just to give them the Matrix edge (dodging bullets, disappearing etc).
Incredible map! You got my DL. Its cool that you based it around the best Matrix movie. It looks super fun to play. I have a couple questions: Are you supposed to get some where or survive for a fixed time limit? You have to click the red pill.
Haha, I tested this with Jester earlier today (or at least, played it), and it was called 'The Matrix' then. You forget to change it Jester? By the way Jester, you know that jump you use the Custom Power Up for, did you fix that? Actually... was it ever broken? I saw a good few people screw it up, including you once, but that might've just been bad luck. Anyway, it's a great map, and the gametype is good fun too. I'd DL, but I already stole it from my "Played Games" list
I did change a few things in the map since the play testing, and I did rename the map Hard Line. As for the jump, yes it is difficult, yes it takes skill, and yes it is epic if pulled off correctly.
Ah, cool. Wasn't sure, but I imagine its great to make that jump with the agent chasing you. Also, in your file share, it's still called The Matrix :S EDIT: No its not. Hmmm.. it was earlier. Weird. For you guys who can't find it, it's the first one in there. Slot Number 1. Next to the gametype.
this map is absolutely beatiful well made interlocked geo merged and the game alone is just a bliss to play as i played it i found myself constantly running trying to hide grant ii i tricked the agent into following me i crouched then assassinated but its all good
Wow! That....Is.....Awesome! That is cool looks really good, it looks like you put a lot of time into it. Im going to dl and give it a 4.5/5!
Wholy crap i believe you to be a god and this should get featured right away the game type and map and helicopter even is orginal and i love the idea. By the gods i love you so very much(cough)(cough) i mean the mapo of course sorry got carried away there but this great.
I dont see the red pill for how you download the map.The map is really awsome and looks to have awsome gameplay but i cant find out how to dl.
I love this map and how you incorperated the different scenes in the map. That's a real big step in forgeing. Although, it is embarrasing when you rparents walk in on you right when the blue bill pic takes you to the Viagra website..... 5/5 for sure though Love, Zachary9990