It's somewhat late, but here's the recap of all the madness. Game One-Five: Tremors Insane's "Come from the sky" strategy is effective... a certain extent. Line: n. Something from which there is no deviation. "Okay guys, I'm going to copy the flag from their base, and paste it into our base!" -Roche Insane gets... upside down, somehow. WTF H4X? Backup. I haz it. Game Six: Cat and Mouse It's pronounced "schmexy". Learn proper grammer. Kami and Insane take the high ground. Epic barrel roll. Maybe this wasn't the best idea... I'm in ur mongoose, defying ur gravity. Game Seven-Eight: Peasant Hunt The usual crowd... ...The usual pile of corpses. I thought there was someone here... Game Nine: Cave Freaks Hold them off! Madness? Defense: you're doing it right. In what top scientists are calling "pretty gay", Kami gets killed through the wall.
My apologies for the double post, but I have too many pictures to fit on one post. Game Ten: Hobo Heights Haleluiah? That has to hurt... Some use... questionable tactics to avoid death by laser. Game Eleven: Clay Shooting The sitting ducks really don't get the respect they deserve... Incoming! No uuuuuuuu! Game Twelve: Pictures Because no one would line up on the beach... Insane opts for a Brady Bunch style group picture... If the Bradys had been genetically augmented and/or aliens with advanced weaponry. Game Thirteen: Purple Bunker There's only so many different kinds of pictures you can take... I think we passed it on this map about three TGIFs ago. Game Fourteen: Necro Falls Some zombies just aren't photogenic... Well, crap... Game Fifteen: The Swings Don't fall don't fall don't fall... One of them is about to fail. (Hint: It's not the guy with the plasma pistol.) Game Sixteen: CTF on Gridlock The first few minutes of the game tell the tale of Insane's Warhog of Win, as he efforlessly captures the flag twice. But Roche has other ideas. He uses it to hold off attacking Blues... ...and they tie it at Two-all. True to form, Insane does a barrel roll. In the end, Red manages to hold the Blues off for their third cap.
Just making sure you don't get an infraction for double post. Noe, guiz. kthxbi. Anyway, this TGIF was alot of fun. Hope all who participated or watched had fun!
"In what top scientists are calling "pretty gay", Kami gets killed through the wall." hahahahahaa. my favorite quote EVER.
That quote was pretty funny... I should play in the next TGIF, but I keep having to go to social events. Gosh..
lol that was a barrel rollerific TGIF. it was hilarious, even though i lagged the **** out of the place. lol srry bout that but no broadcast this week cause i got b-ball tryouts. ill be in insanes party from 300-400 so ill see you guys there