Map: Here Gametype: Here (THE GAMETYPE IS REQUIRED TO PLAY THIS MAP) I've made quite a few puzzle maps, this one is my latest and last of them. For those of you not familiar with a puzzle map. Essentially the aim is to navigate a series of puzzles to reach some kind of end objective, in my case it is a territory goal. These are usually laid out as "room by room" puzzles with each "room" containing a new puzzle. AIM: Reach the territory, ON YOUR OWN! My puzzles have been known for being very challenging, mainly due to the fact that I tend to come up with crazy new ideas other puzzle maps have not used, I try to shy away from the more common gimmicks that most people use (Turret Clipping, Ugh!). So do not be afraid to PM me for help, almost everybody has to! Here are some Screenshots: "Take that turret clipping!" This is actually my most useful pic I have ever given A great pair of balls Radioactive Man! (Where's Fallout Boy?) Simply Amazing Fly like an eagle Welcome to the box of fun (Welcome to the lion's den) Good Luck! P.S If you do manage to complete this course could you send me a video of you doing so, I like to see if anyone solves it in a way I did not intend, Thank You!
I'll be nice and provide everyone with a hint to the first bit. "Death is only the beginning" - Indeed one must find a way of killing themselves if they wish to proceed. The turret on the other side of the invisible barrier is of no use to you (it's my little joke against turret clipping). You may wish to procure the magnum behind you, if you want to grab it you're just going to have to REACH out for it. That's all the tips for now! Good Luck!
i've done hard puzzle maps but my friend who makes them doesn't do turret clipping so how do u do it? if u don't want to post that send me a message
Dang, this is hard. I got to the part past the teleporter at the door, but i can't pass it. :squirrel_eyebrow: Good puzzle. :squirrel_wink:
I thought that when you said your mapvwas hard, you were just being full of yourself, but it is actually really hard
Yeah I put alot of time into my puzzle maps and have alot of testers before I release them. I wouldn't say my map was hard unless it was (I break almost every puzzle map I play as well as complete them so I think I am a fairly good critique of my own work, plus this is the fourth one I've made so I've been able to gather experience along the way) Don't forget if you get stuck at any part just send me a pm, I'll be happy to provide assistance.
Ya don't be afraid to ask cuz i did and he did help to get me through but it took A LONG TIME i mean a LONG!!!!!!!! TIME
tis indeed do-able, have you managed to complete it? If not hit me up with a PM with the bit your stuck on and I'll give you a nudge in the right direction. Like the motto too btw.
PM sent. Yeah don't be dis-heartened guys, it is difficult. Just lemme know if you get stuck and I'll be happy to help out.
ah you say that now Sparten45... Anyhoo lemme know how you get on and don't be afraid to PM me asking for help (I wont think any less of you, honest!)
Sounds good I will get to you but I will not be on this week cuase im moving but defentianally friday-sunday
I salute your confidence coyote and bid you good luck. Lemme know how thee fairs and don't forget to ask for help when you get stuck (oh I said "when" how presumptuous of me) :squirrel_giggle: