This map is a free-for-all map.players 2-10 1 Rocket launcher 1 Carbine 1 Battle Rifle 2 Snipers 2 Turrets 1 Overshield 1 Invisibiliy Base A Base B Please Download-Play-Rate : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details
Didn't you post this before?....Anyway, good inter and I like the fenced wall bridge thingy. Also you have two of the same pic there. 4/5.
You can go back and edit your previous post, to enlarge the pics. But anyway, looks fairly cool. The map seems kinda big, and there might be a lot of opportunity for good teamwork in here. That's always a plus. Some of the interlocking and alignment doesn't look like the smoothest thing in the univers, but it looks pretty good as a whole. And shield doors are shiny =) 4/5
wow, You made the Foundry map look 10x times bigger. very nice map i like the inter locking too u did great on that. 4/5 from me u did great!
Ya agreed foundry looks way bigger THis map would actually, in my opinion, look better and will play better on infection. Other than that it looks good I like all the aesthetic features you threw in then in there
Looks like a great map. I really like the catwalks and ramps you put in. The structures look very well done with the interlocking. The only thing i can really see is some messiness. Where the stairs are, you should really interlock those boxes. If not, the boxes create these "bumps" which are really annoying and not a great thing to have. So ya, I would interlock the boxes in the "floor" and other than that, looks like a great map.