By- Uncle Borat Download Links- Snowbound Mosh Pit Hard-Core Mosh Pit ~ Hardcore Mosh Pit is a game that i created on Snowbound. I created it for this one reason, Have You ever noticed how whenever you play on Snowbound, the main action area is underground between the bases? So i figured, why not make a mosh pit game here. Heres The way it works, Players Spawn With RANDOM Weapons No Weapons Or Grenades On Map All Entrances To Snow Are BLOCKED OFF BY NODES Point Goal Is 250 ( By Controlling Hill And Kill Points ) 2 Rounds Screenshots- ^ The Nodes Bring You Here Sometimes! ^ Thanks For The View, Enjoy!
hmmm it looks interesting and fun but its a bit small and screenshots arent good enough and add some decorations.
I did make the screenshots better, i used the burn effect to make them more dark/juicy looking. and small is the thing, its mosh pit, and also players still have the bases to the left and right, just no acess to the snow
Interesting concept here I suppose. Idk if this is the game for me though I hate KoTH games. PS: I would like to know why your screenshots are really dark? Because Snowbound is not that only guess if that you have your screen brightness really low.
Honestally people, he just mentioned it above; Anyways. I like the idea, it's new I mean probably something easy to come up with but still a fun concept ^_^ Idk bout a DL but If we end up playing together Ill play a bunch of games. I'd like to also add, you sir are a jackass, but a clever one. Good going with the batteries behind the Turret lol. Nice job!
very interesting, although i dun like the "sometimes nodes bring you to death. it may be better if it was all nodes bring you to different place on map, or all nodes bring you to your death. other wise i like the idea, i would love to play it in matchmaking. 3.5/5!
ok that is just spam he doesnt need to add action shots. This looks like a good idea kinda like what im doing on construct. so this is just for king of the hill right? if it is than awesome map and good idea.
Oh wow I can't believe I missed that you used the burn effect....I read all the posts before I posted haha. Well I'll try it out and see how it goes.
Looks very good, and a good idea, but I would block the stuff off with something other than teles, put crates or those boxes with teles behind them. Because you might accidently go through them. Also I think you can get out one of the ways. But its great idea...4.1/5.
i was going to use crates, but i had my friends test if they could break out and since the weapon spawn style is fiesta, they could slam the crates out of the way with gravity hammers, so to prevent breakers, i used teles
You can make the crates instant spawn on put a tele behind and in front, and maybee on top. Then there you goo.
wow, i really would'nt have thought of doing it that way, thats clever, i smell a possible update for v2!
Kind of a cool idea. I like how players are discouraged from trying to break the map with the random death teleporter. That's a cool idea. However, this kinda seems like something me and my friends would slap on a map in 2 minutes and then just screw around on until we get enough people to actually do something. The concept is cool, but it seems more like a waiting-for-more-players game then something you would actually gather people to do. I definately think there could be a plethora of hilarious moments when 3 people run down to the hill with rocket launchers or something equally ridiculous, the concept just doesn't seem like it would really hold attention for too long. That said, it is a cool idea, and it would be fun while it lasted. And we always do need something to do while we're waiting for people XD 4/5