They're using Recon as a reward, they aren't holding it back to be jerks. And why does everyone care so much? You only want it because you can't have it. Imagine how much worse this would be if they withheld the Hayabusa armor instead! At least that one is cool.
Hahaha! You can have recon (yes... only "have" not "haz") for living in an awesome place! Tehehe... I like recon b/c it is cool looking. It would be my armor even if it was a default or unlockable. I don't just want what I can't have. And Haybusa has lost it's appeal b/c so many people use it. It is n00b armor, IMO.
You're lying. You just came up with that justification on your own, but the real reason is that you really want it because only special people can have it and you want to feel special. Apparently you also want to be hacked.
Who care the Mark VI has the best helmet. You don't see master chief wearing the other armors do you? If he did he would be a ***, end of story. Nice cartoon though, it made me laugh and reminded me that yes there are idiots in the world who will kill themselves over a videogame, even if it is the moste uberest one ever! Recon = hax = eagle's credit card stolen = flightless eagle = sad eagle = eagle don't want hax = eagle don't want recon