Laterall By Hells Gears and Jessica Retarded Weird picture(Don't Comment About it) lolz Description This track goes out to the gardians back to the rocky snow tracks! It has 2 big, awsome jumps, and a small one, also has some cool banked turns...Use "Battle Track" gametype. 4-12 player race track. : Download Map : Supported Gametypes : Battle Tracks, Forge Pictures of the track : ^Start ^Straight Away To Outside Turn ^Outside Turn(Hard, The barriars blow, and may flip you) ^Big Jump W/ VIP Point Jump ^The Turn To The Last (3'rd) Jump ^Last Jump ^Hard Banked Turn W/ Drop off To The Start ^Drop-Off The Awsome Jump Again^^^^ Download at top! Enjoy! DL!
wow, a racing map on snowbound. I thought I would never see the day. As for the map, looks alright. Some of the curves and ramps could use a little cleaning up. I give credit to you though for trying something different. Great Originality! Good job!
wow thats pretty original ill gve ou +rep for originality but i still wont dl it because i dont like racemaps. 4/5 tho
this looks amazing nice idea good and straight the jumps are huge and amazing looking and its big for being on snowbound also not on foundry 5/5
earlier today when i finished my map on snowbound, i was really considering on making a racemap on snowbound, but you've already done it! great job! you got to it before i did xD Overall Rating: 9/10 "You Beat Me To It!"
This map looks insane Ive seen many other snowbound race maps but there not at all close to this map. U definitely deserve a 5/5 from me u did a great job. Good Job Jessica Jones!!!!!!
Yes I dont usually see racing maps on snowbound they usually are all on foundry lol Hey good Job with this map it could be fun but the track would get messed up after a while lol
I have seen about 3 total maps in my life other than boundless that are on Snowbound. And a race track. goody jobby. 5/5
Wow, Great map and exspecially you accomlished it on snowbound. This map is very creative and fun to race on. I've played on this map with a few of my friends and they loved it. I rate it a 5/5
Good Stuff: Very challenging Original (no-one's done a Snowbound race track before as far as I know) Bad Stuff: Needs it's own gametype Requires honor rules The good stuff outweighs the bad. 10/10 for effort!
Nice using Snowbound for this map. I like how it's different from most other tracks. This looks like a fun map. Great job. 5/5
Neat race map. Its nice to see a race on something other than sandtrap, foundry, or avalance once in a while.