I'll see what I can do. (without a mouse, and I know only like 10% of it is with a mouse, its still going to be a rough ride.)
That's what I meant lol, not a 'full' box but like a hollow rectangular prism. The face disapeared. My camera is always kind of far away from the thing I'm making. And yeah, make a help thread. We are newbs at Sketchup right now so you have to kind of hold our hands and help us through it. But then we'll be beasts! OMG! We're all going to be architects! LOL!
I might write a few short tutorials that you can use, because it would be a very long thread.. The best way to learn how to use this is just basicly trial and error. Keep working at it and you will learn it in your understanding.. For doing measurements, click where you want the line / box / cirlce to start, and instead of clicking where you want it to end, put the cursor in the direction you want the line, and type in a number and hit enter. I work in metres, so if i type 2 and hit enter it does it 2 metres in the direction i want.
When you make a box, and use the push key to make it 3d, you have to make a smaller box inside it, and lower that, to make a hollow box. Remember you have to keep it 3d or it messes up. Lines are 2d. If you use the offset button, you can make a shape inside that shape that has the exact skale, so the distances from the inside and outside will be the same all the way around, but this doesnt work on technical shapes.
Boo for metric system! Use the complicated U.S. system like us! Edit: I don't know what you mean IVl with the offset and key thing. I draw with my mouse, I haven't touched the keyboard for drawing. :squirrel_giggle:
ok well ill try and word it a little different. When you draw a line/ circle/ box, you click where you want it to start, and click where you want it to end (little different for the circle but it doesnt matter) Notice that, when you are selecting a place for the secont point (where you want the box or line to end at ) there is a measurement in the bottom right corner, that is the legnth of the line / box (try it with a line because the measurements are complicated with a box ) This measurement, can be typed in. If you type a number, it goes in. You can type in a number, and hit enter and it will make that line or box to that measurement. With a box it makes that the legnth of the box, and it always makes it square. With a line it makes that the legnth of the line, make sure you have the right direction though. Another point: You must always make sure that, before you type in these measurements, you have set the mouse to put the right direction for the line, otherwise it will end up bieng that measurement in the wrong direction. If your still stuck post back, ill get some screenshots.
To use The "U.S. system like us!" (lolz) put the number in, but use a ["] for inches or a ['] for feet after the number (no brackets) O yah: To go left (x-axis/red way) point that direction and hold "shift" (or just press the > arrow key 1 time. To go back (y-axis/ green way) hold "shift" when pointing that way, or press < arrow key 1 time. To go up (z-axis/ blue way) press ^ arrow key, or the shift method. Hope that helps...
Or press window (top bar) and click preferances, and click 'templates'. There you can change the measurements to whatever you want,
Use the rotate tool.... I can also get you a plug-in to give you a sphere tool, just like the box tool, but it automatically is a sphere...
Been working on this for about 2 hours. this is my second attempt at sketching in this thing.. The longest and most frsuterating time was getting the side bricks along that curve on the side. I also tried to make it look a bit realistic. I need help on the top of the curve. I can't get that to alow me to paint it. Also, I didn't screenie it, but UNDER the second floor on the roof, I made it look realistic with rocks and stuff coming out, a cave look almost. I AM NOT DONE! FRONT BACK [img width=800 height=504]http://img157.imageshack.us/img157/6452/castlebacknw9.png[/img]