Does anyone have a Blank Foundry with the infinite budget glitch, but with the window panels in the back hallway rooms, because all the other canvas' that I've downloaded have deleted them, And I can't put them back in place. It would be helpful, and thanks.
I think you need to view this thread. It's the Ultimate Budget Glitch and I think it's the one you are talking about. I think it's the one I downloaded too, it works great. Hope it works
I Do! I'll put it on my file share in a mo. Actually: : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details It's an infinite money map with the windows in. Aren't I kind? And the link works! :happy:
Markus, there was no need to - rep me. I gave the closest suggestion I could find and I didn't even know there was a glitched map with the panels still in. I won't - rep you because as I just said, there is no point. It's an abuse But I will comment about it on Rep Customer Service, your rep may be disabled or be infracted as a result. I didn't see you provide a map link either though... Thanks EpicFishFingers for providing the map, it's a great help.