If they stopped screwing around and actually MADE a Halo movie, assuming they were to show Master Chief's face, who would you choose to play him? Who would you choose to play Johnson and everyone else?
Halo is a animated game. Meaning the movie would also be animated. EG: The Simpsons - Cartoon The Simpsons Movie - Cartoon.
Not true, the characters such as Johnson are modeled off of a real person's face. So i guess they could just get them to act, and you could stick anybody in a Master Chief suit and have the voice guy record a few lines and edit them in, done.
what like darth vader sorta? umm, well i do think it would be animated kinda like "300" with maybe a few real shots. idk if the ppl they used to model johnson and miranda's faces are also actors so if they use real ppl im not gonna say that they'll use those same ppl.
I'd rather have it animated. I don't know why, but I would like to have it animated. It seems like it would be easier to do all of the action shots too with it being animated, and since it would be an action movie, I don't know who they would get who's 7 feet tall and would do their own stunts.
Idk why, but for some reason, i always pictured Master Chief looking like the guy from the Punisher movie. and No, the movie will not be CG, you ever seen the real life warthog driven by bungie? that is supposed to be for the movie. It was also used on the Halo live action short "Landfall".
Theres a huge difference between The Simpsons and Halo. Halo is much more realistic than the 2D Simpsons. After all, many characters in Halo were modeled after human beings.
I think the movie should be in CG. That way all the faces would look the same. As for Master chiefs face, I think it would look like a stone masons face.
Honestly, I don't want to even see MC in the Halo Movie. Seeing him is too iconic of the run-and-gun style of play in the Halo games that, if you think about it, would make a crappy film. It would be like watching someone play the game in theater mode. I want to see new characters, complicated plotlines, a horror twist, and most of all, Marines kicking covenant ass.
Yeah I agree with you. Master chief is portrayed as a real icon and to see his face would make him a person when he is supposed to be superhuman. I would love to see the movies done from a marine's point of view or the other spartans. I don't know if you read the books or not but if they made the movies like that, then there would be focus on other characters as well. I'm looking forward to the space battles too. That would be great if they could make it like the battle in the beginning of Star Wars III but have that drag on for a while.
Ya i agree I would actually rather see the movie animated just so its easier to watch. And master chief shall never take his helmet off
Denzel Washington would have to play Johnson because of absolute badassery. Oh look someone else already made a side by side image of them for me, guess I'm not the only one to think that. Clive Owen for John 117. This decision is entirely based on the movie Shoot 'em Up which is the only movie I can name that he's in. He'd be in a suit most of the time anyway. Google image search for "cortana" was... interesting... Rule 34 applies.(NSFW)
to play master chief i would say that either Bruce Willis, Will Smith, Vin Dieslel, but Mostly Tom Berenger. For Johnson i would have to say that guy who played the main character from platoons best friend and was also in behind enemy lines 2. for cortana and the arbiter the actual voice actors and CG the Characters in
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JCo8KLjZhDY&feature=related partially talking about it, and footage at the end.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GxxVTUwwFto prototype footage... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GxxVTUwwFto The most epic, and first video clip they released... hope that clears things up....
I've decided: Keanu Reeves. Seriously, who else? FYI Post Above-------^ Your top video is actually about the game itself, not the movie. I watched it from the Halo website (not B.Net).
I wouldnt see the movie if it was CG. It is practically the game then just without playing. Real people would make it badass. Samuel Jackson for johnson. " I have had it with these motherfuckin Covenant on this Motherfuckin ring!"
Ben Stiller for the chief... no seriously. This movie will probably be a blockbuster flop if it was made. Halo is and amazing fps, not a movie, how often do you actualy watch the film clips in campain?