This is my first attempt at a map so feedback is greatly appreciated. This map is asymmetrical and the best gametypes are moshpit, 1 flag ctf, 1 bomb assault, and territories. The bomb plant and flag spawn point are on second floor of the tower at the rear, the mostpit is located on the top 2 floors, the territory locations are on the ramp, on the big tower, in the base in picture 1, and in the middle of both the 3rd and 4th pictures. Gallery <-------for more detailed pictures. Calamity V1 beta
its pretty unique turn the bridges upside down and interlocking is decent also more cover and some more detailed pics inside the places and the hallway in the back if you make a v2 ill give 5/5 and dl otherwis 3/5 still fix interlocking and more weapons also action screen shots help
Agreed this map does look very unique but a big problemm would be that this map is very open. you need too add more structures and etc. Good Job tho 3.5
it looks preety good but you need more cover other than that it's great 3/5 for me keep up the good work
ehh, i guess i think there isnt enough cover for most areas but the pictures dont show all to much. the overall layout seems a little sloppy and thrown together but not to badly interlocked. the half geo-merged wall with the open box looks very messy and non asthetic. try fixing that. other wise it doesnt looks bad.
The map is much to plain for me, there is no interlocking going on really. Also it's very open, which isn't good for infection. I suggest building more structures on the map, and trying to make it more unique.
This isn't meant to be an infection map and if I add too many more structures the defending team won't be able to use the highground to their advantage.
Why post this in the casual section then? w/e, but you need to add something to the map, Its really wide open.
Looks ok but could be better i would suggest adding more cover flipping the bridges and yeah basically just that and you would have yourself a pretty good map. Welcome to forgehub if you have any questions feel free to PM me.
Because I'm a noob and now that I see it should have posted this in the competitive section, if a mod stumbles upon this please move it for me, thanks.
It's quite nice, though I do agree with the others, you should add maybe a bit more cover for the teams to use. I like that you have used the bridges in that way, and I honestly think they would look nicer how they are now than flipped, but that's just my opinion. Another thing- even if one team had the advantage of high ground, then there should still be a fair amount of cover on the lower levels, or the enemy team will just get smashed to pieces. Maybe you could add an open double box or two? 3/5, quite nice, you've merged and used some nice structures. =]